Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Elizas POV


Those stinky, stupid, annoying, hot, British, little trouble maker boys! They snuck in and saw me dancing! They will sooooooo pay! Like Zayn’s hair won’t ever be that good-looking again when I am done with them! I cross my arms, raise my brows and tap my foot. Something my mom used to do. Ouch it hurt to say used to instead of does. It felt like a pang to my heart. I felt like crying again, but I refuse to in front of the boys.  So instead of letting them see me cry, I stormed out of the room. I heard them calling me but I ignored them. I burst into tears before I even made it to my room. I shut and locked the door before falling onto my bed and crying into my pillow. I could not take this pain! It was so unbearable! I felt like dyeing! I felt like my life was over! I missed my mom so much! I just wanted her next to me, so she could rub my back and tell me everything would be ok! So she could hug me and we could watch TV in the living room, so we could dance together again. I just wanted her back! Why did this have to happen to me? I didn’t deserve this! I have never done anything wrong!  I have never drunk, never smoked, never slept with anyone. I am a goodie-two-shoes! Why did this happen to me? Why did she have to be the one that died and not the stupid drunk!

My tears start to call even harder. My head starts to pound. I never knew you could cry so much that you just passed out, but you can. The last thing I remember is someone banging on my door, before my surroundings went black.

Zayn’s POV

You could hear her crying, and I don’t think it was because we saw her dancing. She danced so well! I was defiantly going to ask her if she would dance at one of our concerts, maybe she could become a full time background dancer. Then maybe I could spend more time with her. What? No, Zayn! She is hurting right now! You don’t need to have feelings for her right now! That’s the last thing she needs to think about right now.

Simons POV


I walked up the staircase to see all the boys banging on Eliza’s door; you could hear her crying from where I was standing at the top of the staircase. I walked over to them and moved them out of the way.

“Eliza, can I come in please?” I asked lightly knocking on the door.

After a few seconds the door clicked, I slowly turned the knob before telling the boys to wait here. I knew they were only trying to help but Eliza needed someone who could relate to her pain. She didn’t need someone who didn’t understand, to sit there and tell her everything would be okay, when in reality they didn’t know for sure if it would. Oh don’t get me wrong, I know that eventually everything will fall into place and Eliza and I will adjust to this… New arrangement. I shut the door behind me so the boys wouldn’t see her cry, even though you could hear her, seeing and hearing someone crying were two totally different things.

“Eliza? Do you want to talk?” I asked her. I honestly had no earthly idea how the heck to take care of her, especially in this situation. For the moment I was pushing my feelings aside (or trying to) so that I could deal with Eliza’s feelings.  

She gave a painful laugh before rolling over and wiping her tears.

“You don’t have to pretend you aren’t hurting for my sake, Uncle Simon.” She said. Her eyes were filled with hurt, and worry. I felt horrible. The thought hadn’t really registered until now that… My sister was dead. Eliza’s mother was dead. I would never be seeing her again. And I didn’t know what to do about it. So I did the only thing I felt I had the strength to do at that moment. I hugged Eliza, and I cried.


Is it bad to cry when you are writeing?:( This is soooo sad! ANYWAY I will not be updateing this week:/ sorry! But I will be out of town! I will be updateing next Sunday! So I hope you can wait until then! Thank you my lovelies! Vote and Comment!<3

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