Chapter 19

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Yes i am updateing twice in one day, yes i know i am awesome!:) You may VOTE AND COMMENT! And tell me which guy you want her to end up with!!!:) And what do you think of Hayley?? Like or no? Personally I like her, butttttttttttttttttt i want to know what you think! And after you tell me which boy your prefer her with, tell me why and what there first date should be like! Okay? Okay!! Thanks Lovielies!!<3


Chapter 19

Hayley's POV

I saw that look in Eliza's eyes. It was nothing new to me; I mean seriously I work with One Direction! Of course I like them! Well, one of them. But if it weren't for Eliza, I still would not have formally introduced. If it weren't for Eliza, they would not have gone to dance practice that one day. If it weren't for Eliza, I wouldn't be here.

I stood up from the loveseat and started after Eliza as soon as she was out of the room. I don't understand why exactly she was crying, I mean why it was a little obvious that she liked Harry, and it must have hurt to see him with that slut, but still. She seemed so much stronger than that. But I guess she has just been strong for too long.

I walked out onto the patio to see her sitting in a lounge chair crying.

"Eliza? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah I am. I just. Ugh I don't know what's wrong with me! I have never felt this way before! And I know this isn't the time or place for this but, I just. I don't know. I ... I... like them." She sniffles.

"I know, but he- waits what? You like 'Them'?" I ask, raising an eyebrow

She laughs slightly. "Yeah, them as in not just Harry, I like Louis, Niall Zayn and Liam too. And I know I can't like each one! I know I have to choose but I don't know how! I have never felt this way about anyone before!" She sighs in frustration.

"Okay, I will help you at least narrow it down to two. What is your favorite thing about each of them?" I ask taking the seat next to her

"Well." She starts to think. "My favorite thing about Niall is, he is just so sweet all the time and he loves food, with a passion! If he loves food that much, imagine how much he would love a person! And he is just so pure and innocent and cute and he has those huge blue eyes that you just get lost in every time you look at him and-"I cut her off.

"I said one favorite thing, not every single thing you like about him!" I protest. "Okay tell me what you like about Liam.

"Well he is just so mature and focused and nice and calm and he has those huge brown puppy dog eyes that I don't think I would ever be able to say no to and he is just so caring and-"I cut her off again.

"Okay! Louis?"

"He always has fun! He makes everyone around him have fun! He is so sassy and he has the most amazing butt!" she says, the smile she had while talking about Niall, never leaving her face when she talked about the others.

"Okay tells me about Zayn and Harry."

"Well Harry has beautiful green eyes and I love his hair so much, I just want to run my hands through his hair every time I see him, he has a way of bringing out a part of me I didn't know I had. Zayn is like a bad boy, but carful you know? He is safe, but still dangerous. Like I feel like I could have fun with him, but also be safe while doing it, you know? And plus they are all so dang hot!" She gets more excited at the last part. I laugh at her.

"Okay now tell me the stuff you dislike about them. Start with Niall."

"Okay, let me think...."


"I can't think of anything!" She stands up, running her hand through her hair.

"Okay we can come back to him! Calm down! What about Louis?" I ask, trying my best to calm her down.

"Okay well, I guess sometimes he acts too immature, I like having fun yes, but sometimes I want a guy who can be serious and caring over sassy and fun." She states in all seriousness.

"Okay, Liam?"

"Maybe sometimes he can be too serious, sometimes he needs to lighten up and be more like Louis, while Louis sometimes should be more like Liam."

"Zayn and Harry?"

"Zayn....... I got nothing."

She starts getting frustrated again

"Okay calm yourself child! Geeez I have never seen someone get frustrated because they can't find something wrong with a guy they like! Okay let's talk about Harry?"

"Okay well, he is kind of a player, well actually a lot. I wouldn't want to date him and have to worry about him cheating on me."

He eyes drift off towards the door, where I suspect the blondie was leaving, or she better be leaving anyway.

"Okay so there is nothing wrong with Zayn and Niall that you can think of right off the bat! So why not just lean towards them until you find out if they like you back, if they don't then go for the others!" I explain.

Eliza thinks for a moment before responding.

"Okay." She smiles. "But can we leave because I am like really embarrassed! We can have a sleepover at my place?"

"Sure that sounds great." I smile.

We head back into the living room to gather our things and say bye. Eliza says a very quick bye before literally running out the door.

"Uhm well, thanks for having us over! I had fun! Come on girls!" I say motioning towards the door, hoping Ashton and Ragan will catch on.

They nod and say bye and head out to the car. I start to shut the door behind me when Liam stops me.

"Uhm Hayley wait, I uhm. Wo- Erm I mean uhm, do-"He stops and looks me in the eye.

"Was Eliza okay?" he asks. I swear my heart fell. And crashed at the bottom of my stomach. And broke into a million pieces.

"Yeah she was fine, just missing her mom was all." I lie, I give a smile I know doesn't reach my eyes, and I shut the door.

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