chap. 2

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            I woke up the next morning and crinkled my nose in pleasure. I could smell Theresa’s blueberry pancakes clear on the other side of the house. I stretched and got up, knowing full well that I would have to get down to the kitchen if I wanted to have any food. Once Theresa’s food hits the table, it’s like water in the desert.

            I ran down the stairs, throwing my long raven hair in a messy bun.  I skidded down the main hallway sliding past the living room in my socked feet, and took a sharp left into the kitchen jamming my hip into the granite corner of the island while racing to my place at the kitchen table. Just as I was rounding the table corner the door the patio door slid open and Tye came flying over the threshold and we tripped over each other’s feet.

            “Geeze Tye, rush much?!” I yelped as I landed hard on my elbow trying to prevent myself from smashing my face into the hardwood floor.

            “You should be one to talk!” Tye grumbled trying to untangle himself from my legs and the potted bamboo plant by the patio door. “You’re the one who slid around the table like you were a friggin’ Olympic figure skater!”

            “Hey, watch your mouth mister,” Theresa playfully scolded as she set dishes of food on the bar counter. “Here, place these on the table, and for goodness sake Tye, go wash up and change your clothes before your father comes down.” Tye grinned sheepishly when Theresa raised an eyebrow in his direction. Hearing movement from upstairs, Tye shot up from the floor and flew down the basement stairs to his room.

            I chuckled and gabbed the platter of eggs, and the platter of bacon.  Theresa came around the counter with a huge stack of pancakes and a container of syrup. As she was laying out silverware, when my dad ambled into the kitchen.

            “Morning ladies,” he said smiling, kissing Theresa on the cheek, while attempting to steal a piece of bacon. Theresa, never looking down swatted his hand away. “Well, you’re just no fun this morning!” he fake pouted, his eyes twinkling. “Morning, princess.” He said to me, kissing the top of my head and ruffling my hair as I poured the juice that Theresa had squeezed into a glass pitcher filled with ice.

            I know what you’re thinking, that we try way too hard and that it’s cheesy of us to try to emulate a page out of Martha Stewart Living. As my parents see it, Saturday is mandatory family day. We all have breakfast together and we all do something, anything as a family. At first Tye and I griped about it, I mean what teenager wants to spend all day hanging out with their parents. Though after a while it grew on us, and we realized that we were fortunate to have parents that took the time to WANT to spend the day with us.

            Tye emerged from the basement, his still slightly damp dark brown hair dripping onto his blue tee shirt that made bright blue eyes all the more vibrant, just as my dad was pouring the last glass of juice

            “How nice of you to grace us with your presence.” My father joked, and then full on laughed as Tye looked down at his empty plate slight blush creeping up from the collar of his shirt.

            “Sorry, I had to take a quick shower, I didn’t mean to make you guys wait.”

            “You know I’m just teasing,” dad grinned nudging him in the arm with his elbow. “How was the party?”

            “It was how they usually were, guys drinking far too much, girls wearing far too little.” He smirked, “you know, normal stuff.” I snorted out a laugh and look at my parents in mock horror

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