Chapter Eight

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     Dinner went as usual. Theresa politely fishing for information on our day and finally

giving up, but not before shooting me a knowing glance. I had to hold myself back from

sighing outwardly, knowing that would only make the probing question list that much


After dinner was over and the cookies were done, Theresa came into the family room carrying a drink tray  with a towering plate of cookies, and two glasses of milk. I could see one of the glasses was frosted over and I knew instantly that it was mine. Theresa knew that I love frigid cold milk, and had chilled my glass before serving the drinks. She was really pulling out all the stops. She placed the tray on the coffee table, and folded her legs underneath her as she sat on the sofa next to me. I resisted cramming as many cookies as I could into my mouth, and savoring their warm softness, but I knew that me taking the first bite meant that I surrendered to answering any questions she asked.\

Theresa sighed, and reached down for a cookie. We had done this enough times in my life for her to know what I was thinking. As she was chewing I quickly spewed the formulated speech I had come up with while she had been baking.

"So I know that you want this whole big in depth explanation for why I left school early, because that's something I would never do, but the reason is really embarrassing and I already did it once I really wanna re-live it". I took a deep breath, and waited for Theresa to say something. All she did was raise her eyebrow at me, pick up another cookie, and take another bite. I realised that if I kept up like this there wouldn't be any cookies left.

"SoialmostkissedaboythatIbarelyknewatlunch" I rushed out. Theresa's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she chocked on the bite of cookie she was in the processes of swallowing. I had to smack her on the back till she regained proper breathing function.

"You WHAT?!" she sputtered red face from her momentary lack of oxygen, and violent coughing.

"I almost kissed some boy at lunch. No he's not my boyfriend, no I don't have a crush on him, yes he's cute. He's one of Keira's friends. Him and his twin brother are in a band with her. I don't know what came over me. He has these light grey eyes, and he was just looking me with them."

"If looking is all it takes for you to be throwing your lips around, I may have to lock you in your room" Theresa said, trying to put on a concerned look to mask her obvious amusement at my situation.

"Funny Mom." I said shortly "thank goodness that school is over in 2 weeks. If I can get through the next 2 weeks, I don't have to see him till next year."

"What I don't get, is what was it about this boy that got you all crazy. I'm sure people look at you all the time, and unless you're a secrect serial kisser, which based on your reaction to what happened I don't think you are, why would his look be any different?"

" I don't know. That's what freaked me out. It's like when he looked at me, he really saw me. It was different. I lost my head, and I almost did it again when he came to apologise! I can't be around people apparently" Theresa handed me a cookie, and took my free hand in hers.

"Don't worry about it. Clearly you wern't the only one who took part in that almost kiss or else he wouldn't have felt the need to apologise to you about. Take it as a complement that a cute boy apologised for luring you in with his eyes. Maybe he want's you to see him for more than his eyes." I rolled my eyes at her, and ate another cookie followed by a long drink of milk. "I'm going to take some of these cookies to your father" Theresa said, beginning to rise. "Take the plate that is underneath this one, and split the rest with your brother, I'll be up later to grab the dishes."

"Mom," I called, stopping her as she was walking away. "Thanks." She gave me a soft smile of understanding, and walked out of the room. I separated the saucers,divided up the cookies and headed back through kitchen, and around the kitchen table to Ty's door. I knocked on the door that separated his room from the laundry room, not wanting to barge in. After no answer, I tentatively turned the knob, and saw him passed out on his sofa infront of the TV. I paced the plate of cookies on his TV table and looked around for something to leave a note with. Seeing nothing I left, figuring he'd realize where they came from.

I made my way back upstairs with my half of the cookies, and stopped in the kitchen to refill my milk. As I was pouring, I felt my phone go off. I sighed and steadied my self for whatever response Keira had to my text from earlier. I saw that it wasn't from her but from Jack. In the day's craziness I had almost forgotten the text I had gotten from him earlier. I smiled at his response.

"One of these days I'm gonna end up texting you my secrets if I'm not careful. Although If I like you enough I may end up telling you one day anyway ;)"

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