Chapter 7

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*~Your P.O.V~*

When we got back to the mansion Ben wouldn't stop stalking me and I was getting so.tire.of.his.perverted.issues!
"What do you want?!" I finally asked, he smirked and walked towards me
"Are you and I saw you coming to the mansion all sweet hand in hand. Are you his girl?" He asked as I frowned
"Yes. Problem?" I said
"No...Not at all, princess..." He murmured, he was obviously jealous of Jack, I smiled, he was acting like a child but it was cute.

Jack was laying on the door's frame
"Ahem...(y/n), Masky asked me to call you" He said as I ran to Maskeh's room (A/N: Sorry! I had to! XD)
"Hi" I greeted, he smiled
"I've got something for you and Jack" He said as he signaled me to look at the computer, he made a video of'date'? and put some music over it
"Aw thanks" I said
"No problem at all, how's Ben dealing with it?" He laughed, I smiled and nodded
"Acting like a child over a stolen toy" I said "Now seriously...Thank you so much for everything" I smiled, he nodded hugging me
"This is what friends are for" He said

*~Sorry but I had to make a time skip because the conversation was getting awkward and I don't want you to fall in love Masky <3 *slap myself* o-o'~*

I saw Jack running out the mansion so I followed him. He stopped by a house and climbed the window, I looked through the window to see him opening a girl's stomach and taking off her kidneys, I couldn't help but stare and feel like I was going to throw up.

Jack jumped out of the window biting one kidneys when he was me. I was paralyzed in fear and my skin was pale white
"(y-y/n)...what are you doing here?! Are you okay?!" He asked, I nodded a slow 'no', I couldn't even blink
"You know I wouldn't hurt you, right?" He asked, I was kind of scared of Jack but a part of me knew he wouldn't hurt me or try to kill me...however, the other part of me was telling me to ran as far as possible from him
"(y/n)...Please say something..." I couldn't answer "I...I love you..." He whisper making me smile a little, he pulled me into an embrace and I blanked out.

*~Time Skip~*

When I opened my eyes I was on Jack's arms and he was carrying me all the way back to the mansion, I laid my hand on his chest getting closer to him so I could hear his heart beat that suddenly got faster. He moved the hair away from my face and kissed my nose, I pulled his mask up and kissed his lips, his heart beat was so fast it sounded like he would have a heart attack.
"H-Hold on...we're almost there..." He whispered
"Jack..." I murmured as he shushed me
"You'll be okay" He said
"Jack..." I called again "I love you too..." I said falling asleep on his arms

*~Jack's P.O.V~*

I looked down at (y/n)'s cute sleeping form and smiled, I entered the mansion to find Slendy staring madly at me, I rolled my eyes
"What did I do this time?" I asked
"Did you hide the girl's body after you killed her?" He asked with his hands on his hips, my chin dropped as I remembered
"O-Of course I did..." I said, putting (y/n) down in the couch
"Is that so?" He asked staring at me, his faces was inches away from mine and my heart beat suddenly got faster, and faster, and-
"Take (y/n) to her room...make sure that nothing happens to her" Slendy said as I nodded and ran with her in my arms.

I laid her on her bed and sat beside her. I played with her hair until she woke up. I saw her smiling at me and hugged me but I didn't hug back
"What's wrong?" She asked worried, I nodded
"Nothing is wrong" I said, but she wouldn't believe me
"Jack...What happened?" She asked
"Slendy is mad at me because I forgot to hide a girl's body and because of that I putted in risk all the gang..." I murmured, she lifted my mask and kissed me, I suddenly felt a little bit better but still... if the cops find the body... and they will... Maybe they'll find us all...
"Don't worry about that, okay? It's my fault...I followed you and messed up with your mission..." She said as tears stained her cheeks.

I wiped her tears away, making her look at me
"It's not your fault..." I murmured, pulling her into an embrace "Get some sleep" I said kissing her forehead, she slowly nodded
"Good night, Jack" She murmured
"Good night, (y/n)..." I murmured closing her room's door. I couldn't help but smile as I remember when she kissed... I would do anything to protect her against Zalgo... even if her safety requires my death

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter... Well see ya around! <3

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