Chapter 8

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*~Your P.O.V~*

I woke up with Slendy yelling at someone, I stood up and walked near the door the hear what they were arguing about
"I can't believe this, child!" He said in a frustrated tone
"I already said I'm sorry, okay?!" It sounded like Jack "I know that the police could have found us but-" Slendy cut Jack off
"Police?!" Slendy's voice made me tremble "I don't care about police, we could kill them! I mean Zalgo! He wants (y/n) and because of you he is now closer to get her!" He screamed
"If Zalgo touches (y/n)...whatever he does...I will kill him myself!" He said

I heart a creepy laugh echoing everywhere, I slowly opened the door pretending I just woke up, I looked in shock to Slendy pulling Jack's hair and Jack pulling Slendy's tentacles.
But there was a boy all dressed in black and white rolling on the floor laughing and pointing at them
"Hum...What's going on?" I asked as they all turned to me and the boy stopped laughing
"H-Hum...I was training Jack" Slendy said as the boy started laughing again but now harder than before
"Of course you were Slendy! Of course you were!" He said trying to catch his breath "I can't...I can't....hahahahah! Oh my Zalgo! HAHAHAHA...I CAN'T BREATH!" He laughed

Hoodie came running like crazy down the hall and almost bumped into Slendy but Masky pulled him back
"What is it, child?" Slendy asked
"O-Out t-there....t...there is...a-a-" The tried to say as Slendy just glared at Masky confused
"There are like fifteen of Zalgo's minions out there!" Masky said as I felt the blood leave my body, I saw Jeff jumping off the couch and taking his knife
"Finally some action! Do your worst Zalgo!" He said running outside
"I want to help!" I said but Jack grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me back
"No, no, no, no...Not this time...You can get hurt...Go to your room" He said, I looked at him a little pissed off
"But...I can hel-" He cut off
"(y/n)...Not this time...please...If I ever loose I would never forgive myself for letting you fight against that asshole" He said, I nodded disappointed but ran to my room as he told me.

In less than one blink the minions were all dead...ow...My head hurts a lot...
"H̷́i̧͠ ͜͠th̷̕è͢r̸ȩ̶.̶͢͠.͏͡.͜" I heard a whisper from behind me but all I saw was my room's shadows, my head started hurting more and I let out a little scream
"W̧͡h̵͡a͜t'̡s͘ ́҉̶w̛̕͟r̀ớ̷n͡ǵ̶͜,͏ ̧́(̡y/̢̡̡n)̢́?̴́
I̶͠ ̶̢͞dǫń͜'̛͏t͜͢͞ ̵l̸͢i̛͢͟ké̶ ̵t̶o̢ ̶͠͏s̴̷͝ę͟e ͝m̴̧y͏ ͜͠d̴҉ą͢ug̢̨͟h̛͢t̸҉er̢͝ ̴su̶f҉f̶̛e̷̛͞r͡i͡n̡̕͠g͜.̶͠.̶̛.҉̧̛"" The voice said and chuckled as I trembled
"D-Daughter?" I asked as the voice laughed "N-No way! My father died when I was three!" I yelled
"P̸̛o̷̡ơr҉̀ ̴͢i҉̡n̶͘ņ͝ò̵҉c̀è̶n̷t̶҉,͝ ̡̢͡(͏ỳ̢/̧n).̕.̕͝.́͡͞
E̵̢n͜j͡͠o̡҉y̷͟͠ y҉o͞͡u͟r̴̡ ̢̧fr̡͜͞i̧e͘͏n̴͏d̨s ̧c̵ó̧m̶̨p̶̛a͜҉ņy͘͠...̧̢
W̡͟h̶̛i̷ļ͝e͏ ̛y͞ǫ͟u҉̨͠ ͡c͠a̧͜͠n.̡̕̕.̡͏҉.͞"" The voice said and faded out as the door opened and Jack came in.

I looked up at him
"We did it. It wasn't that hard after all..." He said as I rolled my eyes
"Do you regret not letting me fight then?" I asked as he laughed
"Not one bit..." He said I punched his shoulder playfully
"Asshole..." I murmured laughing
"What did you say?" He asked
"Nothing..." I chuckled
"You will have to pay the consequences for what you've done..." He said

~*Time Skip*~
~*Jeff's P.O.V*~

I heard (y/n) screaming upstairs and smirked at the amusing sound that filled the mansion
"What's happening up there" I asked as Masky walked up to
"Jack is making (y/n) pay the 'consequences'" He laughed
"Jack is tickling her?" I asked as Masky nodded and smiled under the mask

They finally came down like nothing happened and Masky and Slendy were just talking about...hum... well the usual...boring stuff...
"I think we can actually have a chance to beat Zalgo this time!" Masky said as I turned back so surprised I almost broke my neck and (y/n) eyes widened
"W-What?" Slendy asked speechless
"Think about it! If he wants (y/n) so badly he would have come here himself and take us down as easily..." He stopped to think "kinda last twenty times..." He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed "But anyways! I know that this time we really have a chance!" He said cheerful

~*Your P.O.V*~

I looked at the cute cheerful Masky and bit my lip
"Masky...I think-" I started but Jack covered my mouth
"I never saw him so happy in the last painful twelve years...he was a...little...sad about everything that happened..." He said as I nodded and he uncovered my mouth
"What happened?" I asked in a whispered
"Long story" He whispered back
"What do you think (y/n)?" Masky asked as I bit my lip
"I think...You're right...Maybe Zalgo is not really to show himself yet..." I said quietly
"I think we should get ready to attack him before he attacks again!" He said.

Slendy looked at me and shrugged, I shrugged back, I really didn't know what to do...
"H-Hum...Well then...I suppose you want to be commanding the pastas, right?" Slendy asked as he nodded "Very well...We are counting on you..." He said as Masky pulled Hoodie with him towards his room.

I walked towards my room and sat on my bed, I looked down to a picture of me and Masky some months ago...the power completely went to his head...
I heard a knock on my door and I looked up to see Jack
"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded rapidly
"yeah..." I mouthed as he sat beside me
"Masky will be okay, don't worry, I know he's your best friend and all but soon enough he will realize that this is a complete madness...he's a smart guy" He said lifting his mask and pecked my lips gently, I smiled and looked up at him to see him blushing bright pink. I chuckled and hugged him
"I love you" He murmured
"I love you too" I said pulling away
"You know...that not all of us will survive this fight, right?" He asked and I nodded slowly
"Do you have any idea of not gonna make it?" I asked scared, he nodded a sad 'yes' "W-Who?" I asked
"I can't tell you...You don't have to bother your mind thinking about it...Just think we'll all try our best but some of us just won't make it out..." He said

Blinded by love (Eyeless Jack X Reader) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now