Prolouge: Part 2

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The Prussian army was on the march, a mile away now. Less than an hour in counting.

"On guard, men!" you yelled, raising your sword as a cue, and all of their guns pointed towards the force that grew ever nearer.

"Wait for my cue to fire!" you screamed, and the men all seemed to grunt in understanding. If there was something else this fool Prussia wanted first, then you may as well try to organize that before any blood is shed.

Time seemed to inch by, the rifles trembling in the hands of the men around you. Some were silently praying, some were shedding a tear in pity for themselves and their brothers, for the force of the Prussian Empire was much, much larger than yours, and as it drew closer, you saw not only the silver-haired man leading the pack, but France was there, and Germany, and Italy, and every other European country.

It was simple. For a quick victory, he had combined all of his conquered forces to form one great one. He smirked as he drew closer, his crimson eyes jeering you from a distance.

"At the ready, men! Stay at the ready!" you began to tremble a bit as well, but shook it off. You would not let their country fail them before they did.

"Alright, Eyebrows, surrvender now and ve von't have to blow you to pieces! Eh?" Prussia stared you up and down, his eyes falling on your breasts after a period.

"My eyes happen to be up here, Prussia!" you stated, holding position, but causing him to fluster.

"Uhm.... Ve did not come to fight girls, libeling," he blushed a bit, "Ve came to fight Enlgand!"

"That is what I am, the separate Republic of England," your voice began to shake, "and I will not let you take this land from me!" Your men all cheered in agreement, bringing some of your confidence back.

Prussia just let go a sly smirk. "Vell then, dis should be even more fun that I planned."

"At the ready!" you both cried in unison, the great force threatening itself against you already.

"Charge!" screamed Prussia, while you signaled for your men to hold form, then gave them the signal to fire. You watched many of the Prussians go down, and Italy swiftly retreating into the great force.

Prussia charged at you, and met you with his sword. Skilled in combat, you were an even match, and you kept fighting, even when you heard the cries behind you as your force slowly went down, falling one by one. Tears ran down your face as you clashed metal against metal with Prussia again, the red-eyed demon smirking the whole time.

You then began roaring, and went at him with all of your strength, and he managed to dodge almost every single attack, except for a lone blow which landed on his chest, causing him to wince, and you took his moment of confusion as an advantage, jumping back, panting.

He stood there, holding his wound, and smirked. "Frau, look behind you, it is all over."

You couldn't turn, but you had to, and you saw the thousands of soldiers laying lifeless all around. The tears then came, as your comrades in battle retreated into the afterlife. You turned back, only to find a sword at your neck.

"It is all over now," Prussia laughed, "und the Prussian empire has won once again!"

Everyone cheered behind him, and there were no sounds from behind you.

He had killed them all.

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