Meet the Cast

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Author: Okay, so y'all tell the readers about yourselves. Include your age too!

Summerella as Diamond: I'm Diamond. 18, One of the five finest girls you'll see in this story. I was raised with a drug lord daddy and a golddiggin' mama, hence the name, Diamond. Haters say I'm stuck- up, spoiled, but I don't see it. I just ask and they give it to me, but that doesn't mean I don't say thank you! *flips hair and pops gum*

Justine Skye as Rochelle: Hey I'm Rochelle. 18, I've been raised by my grandparents all my life. It's not that my parents weren't there, they passed on when i was... Um, I think two? But yeah, I've been raised in an old school setting, listening to nothing but 90's music and the Beatles. I'm a geek, but I do love food. And... I'm in child development classes so I can be a teacher one day. I'm not that interesting... As you can see. *fans eyes* getting a little watery in here. *clears throat*

Zendaya as Qui: I'm Qui Qui, 16, both parents in the household, I got 4 older brothers and 2 younger sisters from my fathers side, and 2 older sisters on my mom's side. I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews, a grandma and grandpa, and my loveable Auntie Quinn. But that's not all: We live in the same house. All of us. I sleep on the couch and draw all night if I want to, I dream of being an art major, maybe some dancing. *winks*

Serayah (Tiana from Empire) as Lark: Hey, I'm Lark, 18, and I'm two months pregnant right now. Yes, I'm a senior in high school, pregnant. I live with my mom, dad is somewhere, anywhere, I don't know. I'm striving to be a singing major, and when I have my baby, I'm keeping it. Me and my boyfriend Damon are going to work it out... Someway.

Author: Okay, on with the parents.

Devante Swing/ Lil Kim as Diamond's parents

Cecile Tyson/Morgan Freeman as Rochelle's grandparents

Aaliyah Haughton/Michael Ealy as Qui-Qui's parents

Whitney Houston as Lark's mom

 Damon is played by O'Shea Jackson Jr

Quinn is Lauren London

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