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Nivea's, "Don't Mess with my Man" was playing as I was taking the rollers out of my hair.

I nod my head as I sing along, setting each roller in the jewel bag I places on my dresser.

"Diamond!" Paris, my little sister (whom I never mention because she's not relevant), burst into my room.

"Paris please! I still haven't put on my clothes!" I yanked my towel over my breast.

"Well lock ya door." She stood in the door way, eyes sinking into the back of my head as she munched on her hot fries.

"Just get out, I'll be ready in a second." I shooed her away and slammed the door.


"Daddy!" I stomped down the stairs.

"What princess?" He hugged me.

"I can't find mama, and she has my car keys." I pouted.

"I'll go find her, in the meantime take the Lexus to wherever you need to go. Daddy has business, special  business, to tend to." He kissed my forehead.

"Alright daddy." I hugged him.

Special business meant someone had to die. Business just meant the regular pound/profit. I hated special business, but I can't trip on what keeps car keys in my hand and food on my plate.

As I made it to the car, I realized I had to go pick up my girls for school. I called Rochelle on her cell.

"What?" She answered.

"Girl don't what me I am on my way! We can't have you late because your grandfolks don't let you drive!" I yelled in the phone to wake her up.

"Mhmmmmm, fine! I'm getting ready now." She hung up.

This girl is a trip. My mama often asks why do I hang out with her, and I have to tell her this is the girl I was swapping animal crackers with at daycare. 

My true day one.


"Good God, Shelly." Granny walked in my room.

I was in the bathroom, applying deodorant, dressing up, combing my hair all at once.

"I know, imma clean it after I get back." I ran out the bathroom.

Granny gave me my purse.

"Thanks." I hugged her.

"I don't see why you kids don't bring bookbags anymore." Grandpa watched me grab my binder off the counter and as I walked out the door.

"It slows us down, Grandpa." I kissed his cheek and ran to Diamond's Lexus.

I can tell what my grandparents are thinking, "How is Diamond so wealthy?" I know they know, they know I know. We've been rocking since pre-k, I'm her ride or die, and she's mine.

"Good morning wolf lady! I see you rushed the 'fro this morning." She smiled then threw a zebra cake at me.

"'Sup lil' folks, how you know I ain't eat?" I tore the wrapping with my teeth.

"You never do!" She said in her loud voice as she drove off.

'"Why are you so loud at 8 in the fucking morning?" I adjusted my seatbelt.

"I have to get the blood pumping in my brain, I gotta wake up!" She turned on the radio, Young Thug's Slatty played at full bass.

This is finna be a loonnnng day.

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