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The girls decided that after school we were gonna hang out and watch the BET Awards. but before all of that, I wanted to show them my ultrasound video.

"Look at Jr." Qui-Qui pointed to the screen.

"If I miss Yella Beezy's performance I'm shaking your belly." Diamond cringed at the movement of the baby.

"Come on, D. It looks like a cute little alien." Rochelle stared in amazement.

"You act like you can't go home and watch it." I shot back.

"Amen sister!" Rochelle high fived me.

Qui laughed. "You know my mom works with-"

"Shhh! He's on!" Diamond picked up a piece of pizza threw a pepperoni slice at her.

"My God! If I was a lil bit mo legal"

"Why you gotta go light skin? I'm glad I'm a Glory Girl, Mrs. Cozart for real." Rochelle rolled her eyes.

"Rochelle I'm glad you find Keef cute, considering you're attracted to ugly dudes like Kyle from Chemistry."

"Too far!" Rochelle threw a pillow at her.

"Okay, bitch that wasn't necessary!" Diamond hopped on the bed and started throwing pillows.

"Stop don't hit me!" I moved out of the way.

"You keep missing anyway!" Rochelle threw it back.

"Stop before you mess up my hair!" Diamond threw it at Qui, who fell, causing everyone to laugh.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Suck a dick." She fixed her hair and sat back on the bed.

"As long as it's Beezy's" Diamond laughed.

Mama opened the door. "What is all that noise?"

"Oh nothing, I just fell." Qui stretched out her back.

"Yeah, well be careful, there's been a shoot-out going on in the area. Something about a bad deal. You ladies stay here tonight." She closed the door behind her.

Diamond's Daddy.

I shifted eyes towards her, but she got up and checked the window.

"Yo, you think Mr. Degrate's involved?"

"Rochelle!" I cut my eyes towards her.

"My bad." she hushed.

Qui got up, "Dia-"

"I feel it in my spirit, I gotta go." She started gathering her things.

"Lark Mama said you can't-"

"Qui please, let me go."

"Diamond, call your mom." I gave her phone to Qui.

Diamond took the phone and put it on speaker.


"Ma, is everything ok?" I tried to sound calm, but my voice was shaky.

It was a long pause, but I heard her breathing.

"Babygirl, I honestly don't know. I sent Paris to live with your grandparents. Come home in the morning. I love you." She said before hanging up.

"This shit is... deep." Rochelle shook her head.

Lark couldn't help but stare at Shell. She's never been in cases like this so of course she wouldn't know what to do or what to say.

"Y'all..." I exhaled, tears streaming down my face. "I'm fucking terrified."

The girls all came to my aid and hugged me, letting me ugly cry on their shoulders.

I just need to hear from my father. If I know he's ok, then I'll be ok.

That's all.

My phone started to buzz, it was some guy I was talking to. I met him in PE, it wasn't his period he just wanted to shoot free throws. He saw me, I saw him, and now we're talking.

He shot me a text, "Hey, wyo?"

I can't talk, not right now. I swiped up on the notification.

"I wanna get some sleep, can we just go to sleep?" 

"Sure, D. It's whatever you wanna do." Lark rubbed my back.

I laid down in her lap, which wasn't much because of her protruding belly bump. Qui came and sat cross-legged behind me, stroking my hair.

"He's okay, he's always okay." I whispered to myself.

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