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A/N: Snickerdoodles. Decided to change this back to a modern day story. Cast updated by the way, but I may add more. Leggo!


"So that's how I know something's up!" I set my plate on the island in Mrs. Houston's Kitchen.

"I mean, that's depressing and all, but did y'all hear about that fight in the locker room at school the other day with Farrah and uhh, what's the chick?" Qui-Qui grabbed her books.

"Yeah, that Krissy girl. She looks just like you. " Lark mocked her.

"Oh Shhhh." Qui-Qui made room for me as we left for school.

Lark popped her knuckles, something she always does when she's worried.

"What's on your mind, Lark?" I elbowed her.

"We haven't heard from Diamond in a week!"

"Look, I'm sure she's alright." Qui-Qui reassuringly.

As we were walking, Diamond pulled up beside us.

"Y'all, just get in." She said put of breath.

"Why?" Lark asked.

"Hurry just do it!" Diamond unlocked the locks and we all hurried inside.

I couldn't even get my door closed, she was speeding so fast!

"What's gong on?" Lark said, holding her stomach and speaking in a more serious tone than normal.

"I cannot have y'all just out on these streets! Daddy been shot, and a whole gang probably looking for me to get back at him!" She missed a stop sign.

"What does this have to do with us? Qui-Qui said, shaking.

"Y'all know D gang?"

We nodded our heads.

"Well, my dad fucks with some of the guys that go to our school, and their dads, and their big brothers. One of them gave my dad a bad brick."

Qui-Qui got mad, "Again, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO-"

"I'M DATING OMAR, AND HE'S FROM D GANG!" She yelled back.

WE got silent.

Diamond calmed down, "As long as we stay cool with them, we ain't got nothing to worry about." She eased off the gas and slowed down.

Now I know two things:

1. Diamonds a true trap queen.

2. I need to make it out the hood, fast.


I gotta protect my folks, ya know?

"Aye, babygirl." Omar (in the mm as Yazz) wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

All my friends gave me side-eyes that look like, "Come on, you know better."

"Hey Omar." I kissed his cheek.

Sounds crazy, but I love this boy. Even if it's not clear who shot my daddy, I love him like crazy.

"I heard about ya pops." He grabbed my hands. "You alright?"

I nodded my head.

"Don't worry baby, ain't nothing gonna happen to you, I got it." He kissed me and went off with is boys to wherever they go during first period,.

"Diamond." Lark called my name.

I turned around to see all my homegirls, frowning.

"What? I know what I'm doing, and that's protecting y'all asses." I spat.

The first bell rung.

"Aye, bae!" Omar motioned me to come with him.

"Get to class, get them grades up, and I'll see y'all later." I hugged them,sighing extra hard before following Omar to the McDonald's across the street.


The school day droned on, and as soon as I got home, I vent to the only one who understands me besides my mom. Auntie Quinn.

"I cannot believe Diamond has to be some guy's puppet in order to keep us safe." I added soap to the sponge and dipped in the water.

"Mhm girl, but why can't they call the police?" She stacked up the dry plates and put them up.

"If she does that, most likely her dad will be going to jail. He's the main plug on the streets, so I've heard."

"Quinetta quit talking and hand me an apple." My oldest sister, Mya commanded.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple. 

"Catch." I said, throwing the apple.

She caught it without trying. "Thanks." She said, and continued spinning around in circles for her dance recital.

"But anyway, Auntie Quinn, like i was-"

"Mya! I know good and well you ain't wearing my red kimono for no damn recital! Dad gave it to me!" My other, older sister Amerie (twin to Mya)yelled.

"It look soooo much better on me!" She yelled.

They got to arguing as usual, and mom breaks it up, as usual.

"Now you two know so much better than that! Can you show a positive example for Quinetta please? Y'all are freshman in college and acting like you're two years old!"

I would correct her and say, "It's Qui-Qui, mommy." but she's flaming the life out of them.

"Yes mommy, sorry." They said in unison.

Then dad got back from work.

"Hey everyone!" He came in and kissed mom, hugged me, and dapped Auntie Quinn.

"Hey Mike!" Mya waved.

"What's good Michael?" Amerie nodded.

"I landed a new role in a movie, The Perfect Guy." He said, proud.

"Oh baby that's great!" Mommy hugged him.

"Daddy!" Mila ran from her play pen and hugged his leg.

He scooped her up sand tickled her.

boy, do I miss that.

"Quinetta!" Amerie hollered in my ear.

"What?" I hollered back.

"Phone's for you." She dropped the house phone in my hand and i held it to my ear.

"Quietta Haughton-Ealy speaking?"

See, I gotta use my fully name just in case it's a job interview/

"Qui-Qui, please get Damon pleaseee!" Lark said, as if she was crying.

"Damon!" I yelled, then went back to the phone call. "Is everything alright.

"My water broke and there's all this fluid and I don't know what it is and-"

"Qui, what's up?" Damon ran down the stairs.

"It's Lark." I handed him the phone.

"Hello?" He said, as if in panic.

I heard her through the phone.

"Alright, On my way." He hung up the phone.

"I'm going with you!" I grabbed my jacket from the closet.

"Whoa sis, you sure?" He stopped me mid-doorway.

"That's my best friend, I'm going!" I nudged him out of the way and got in the car.

Oh no, not Lark!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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