Chapter 5

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"Where is she?"

"Where is he?"

It's like their minds were connected. Both thinking the same thoughts.

When Starfire was pulled out the window, it seemed as time slowed down. She remembered seeing her broken window, and then nothing. Nothing. Pitch Black. No memory of anything after that.

Robin was on his knees. Crying. His tears dropping in front of him. His mind was racing with everything that just happened. But in the midst of it all, he knew his mission. He had to find Starfire.

He looked out the window. Searching for clues, for anything that would help him find Starfire. He got up and searched everywhere. He looked but found nothing. His only clue was the scream. The scream that was terrified.

Starfire finally woke up and looked around. All she saw in the darkness was a candle. A single flame that was almost burnt out, lighting up the large area. She noticed her hands were tied up in a rough rope. She couldn't get to them because they were behind a pole. The rope caused her hands to feel sore.

She was curious, frightened, and felt like a coward. She felt like a coward because she didn't fight back and she just let him take her.

She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't hear anything. She was worried about her friends. "I wonder what they are doing now."

Beast Boy and Raven rushed into the room. They had called for Robin, but he didn't answer. They stood in the doorway in silence with their mouths agape. They didn't know what to say. Everyone in the room was silent. All you could hear was the gentle breeze coming through the window.

The breeze reminded Robin of Starfire. How she was so gentle and kind, and could disappear just like that.

Starfire had managed to drift off to a restless sleep. Her hands and back were aching. She awoke with a shake, she had heard something. It sounded like someone's voice.

She listened, but didn't hear it again. All of her hope was gone. She was thinking the worst thoughts.
'This is where I will die. No one knows where I am, not to mention that I do not even know where I am. No one will save me. I feel like a damsel in distress that knows her hero will never come. It seems like no one cares. I remember the scream of my own voice. It sounded terrified. Why didn't anyone come to rescue me? I feel like a coward. I am supposed to be strong, instead, I am weak. I will die here and no one cares.'

Starfire felt a cold tear slowly roll down her cheek. After that, another and another and another. Then it was a stream of tears running down her face, falling in front of her.

Robin was terrified. He was afraid that he would never see her again. He was afraid that he couldn't save her. He was afraid that she would die. His friends tried to comfort him, but he just pushed them away. He didn't want their pity. He had to be strong. For them. For her.

He was in his room. Thinking of who could have taken her. Who did take her? Who would want to take her? Did they take her just to make her friends suffer? Nobody knew the answers to all these questions. All they wanted was to know the answers.

In the darkness, Starfire heard a voice. It wasn't comforting. More like scary and cold. It was a husky, harsh voice. The voice sounded like it was ready to kill.

It was a man's voice that said, "What's your name?"

"M..My name?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Uh, who's asking?"

"Answer me or your dead." His voice sounded serious and she knew that he wasn't lying.

The mysterious voice pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. She could hear it.

"My ......"

He cocked the gun, ready to pull the trigger.

"Tell me now or I will pull the trigger."

"Sta... Star.. F. fire."


He took a step toward her and put the gun to her head. He pushed it to where she couldn't move her head.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"Starfire..." she said.


I hope you guys liked the video!!! (I didn't make it. I ain't that talented.😂) OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BOOK  HAS OVER 100 VIEWS!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ IT AND ENJOYED IT!!! Also, thank you for all the support my readers have given me!!! It means the world to me!!!❤️💛💚💜💙

                                   Love y'all,


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