Unexpected Annoucements

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That night, she couldn't sleep. She sat up, thinking about Draco and how much she'd missed him. It'd taken three years to be able to hear his name and not want to punch something and burst into tears simultaneously. It'd taken two more to not visibly cringe when Ron or Harry proclaimed him to be so evil. And after it all, he could still make her smile.

She was dozing off when Ginny rolled over, her eyes half open.

"Move over!" She muttered, giving her a shove.

"You know she's your best friend when she wakes you up in the middle of the night and tells you move over." Audrina observed, amused. Ginny kicked her with her foot hard in the shin. "Ow! Jeez, you could've just shoved me." Audrina stuck out her tongue then rolled over.

They made it safely to Saturday without Ron making any more jokes about Voldemort, and without Mrs. Weasley having anymore angry fits. Breakfast wasn't a pleasant affair. Everyone sat there, tense, and nervous. Ginny prodded Audrina in the side.

"Bill's staying home." She said, beaming. Audrina looked at her, unsure where this was going.

"And?" She said, drawing it out. Her smile was big enough for her to know that it was a good thing, but she still had no idea what she meant.

"Which means Fleur is staying too." She said, rolling her eyes, as if Audrina was very stupid.

"Yes!" Audrina exclaimed, pumping her fist into the air. Everyone froze and looked at her. "Just excited to be seeing Fred and George." She said, slowly putting her arm back down. Ginny laid her head on the table and shook with laughter. Bill looked at them unsurely, likely questioning sanity then passed Harry a bag full of money.

"Where's mine?" Ron demanded, his eyes wide, staring at the bag. Audrina rolled her eyes.

"That's already Harry's, idiot." Bill told him as Hermione, Ginny, and Audrina giggled. "I got it out of your vault for you, Harry, because it's taking five hours for the public to their gold at the moment, the goblins have tightened security so much. Two days ago Arkie Philpott had a Probity Probe stuck up his.... Well, trust me, this way's easier." He said, flinching.

"Thanks Bill." Harry said, taking the gold. Ginny and Audrina looked at each other, horrified.

"Traumatized." She said, scrunching her eyes shut. Audrina nodded, horror struck. Images that she didn't need were forever seared in the front of her brain and on the back of her eyelids.

"'E is always so thoughtful." Fleur murmured and petted his nose. Ginny pretended to throw up into her cereal, and Audrina laid her head on the table so no one would see the tears streaking down her face from laughter. She heard choking and saw Ron pounding Harry on the back. The sight of this caused her to put her head back down. Finally Ginny pulled her shoulder, and they walked outside, Audrina whipping her eyes. They gawked at the Ministry cars before climbing in.

"Its good Dad can get us these again." Ron said, stretching. All of the kids were stuffed into the back seat, but they could sit comfortably on the seat that had stretched to fit them.

"Don't get used to it; it's only because of Harry." Mr. Weasley called; both he and his wife were sitting in the front on a seat resembling a bench in size. "He's been given top-grade security status. And we'll be joining up with additional security at the Leaky Cauldron too." Audrina turned to look at Harry. He was quiet, a pondering look on his face. She leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"I saw you packing that cloak of yours." She muttered, referring to this morning when she'd came out the shower and went up to Ron's room to see if she'd left her brush in there when they'd all been hiding from Fleur last night. She'd seen Harry putting the cloak in his bag. He looked at her, startled.

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