Chapter 7 Ryan

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Becca's P.O.V

"Hey Becca" Tyler Said and man that boys country accent is so cute and ill be honest even tho I'm dating Ryan Parker I will admit i have a little crush on him and he's also cute so could you blame me? He also is the quarterback and the quarterback should be with the head cheerleader but in my case I date Ryan Parker defense back. Yesterday he took me on a date to chipotle and we jammed out to she bad by Cameron Dallas and it was fun I love Ryan a lot and I'm so happy that he's my boyfriend but none of my friends know that where dating should i keep it that way or tell them that me and Ryan are dating? Will it crush cole? Will it hurt Tyler? These are all the questions running thru my head about telling them but my friends should know that I'm dating someone. I'm gonna have to tell them but I just don't know how...

I'm his tutor Tyler Stanush and Cole SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now