Chapter 1 school

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"Hey Becks!" Andrew yelled and ran up and hugged me. I smiled " Oh so you don't say hi to us!" Said regan and Ryan. I laughed so did Andrew. "So Becks what's your opinion on cole?" "He's a total sweetheart and he is really nice and cute." "Do you like him!" Nearly shouted Regan. I can't believe what he just asked I said " No he's just a friend, I like um-" I was so thankful the bell rang cutting me off. And now I had Mr. Brytus class I hope it goes well.

I walk in and see the star football player not caring he is failing a few if his classes I don't think he will be able to play much more football. I usually don't like Tyler cause he's a "player" class began as usual I was sitting next to Tyler typing away on his phone. "Mr. Stanush!" " Yes Mr. Brytus?" "Bring your phone up here and you need to stay after class I need to speak to you." I giggle. When the bell rang I was about to leave when Mr.Brytus said " Mrs. Mahone can you stay too." "Sure." "Tyler your failing my class and you won't be able to play football if you don't bring your grade up, so becca is going to be your tutor and with her help you will be able to play football with in a few weeks." " You're joking right I can't have a cheerleader tutor me it will make me look like an idiot." Tyler spat. I laughed when he say that. " What's your problem with a cheerleader!" "Mrs.Mahone you may leave." Said Mr. Brtyus." "Thank you is all I said and left.

I'm his tutor Tyler Stanush and Cole SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now