Chapter Four

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Sorry this took so long guys! But I couldn't think of a better way to come out of hiatus than update my most popular story! Thanks for reading~

And a big thank you to edenlyte for editing this mess! Idk where I'd be without you boo

Trigger warning: panic attack


1 October 2007

Tamaki was more than confusing. He was the human version of a headache.

There was no way in hell that Tamaki and Haruhi were blood relatives, yet he continued to insist that he was her father. Even after she shot him down multiple times. He was persistent about it. Yuu couldn't figure out why. There wasn't even enough of an age gap between them for that to be physically possible.

Tamaki wasn't a human headache; he was a persistent migraine.

Yuu had only been in their club room for twenty minutes and he was already done with their shit.

Propping a hand on his cheek in boredom, Yuu raised an eyebrow at the ongoing scene. Tamaki was yelling the the twins for hugging Haruhi as they laugh and call him a pervert. And Haruhi had no choice but to accept her fate and glare at both parties involved.

"Leave my precious daughter alone, you no-good shady twins—"

The twins responded by each resting an elbow on the brunette's shoulders, leaning on her, which resulted in Tamaki yelling even more.

Yuu glanced over at Kyouya, watching as the raven-haired's eyebrow twitched—there was no way he would put it past his brother for something like this to be a daily occurrence. He didn't get a very cooperative vibe from Kyouya, so asking him what was going on seemed utterly pointless.

Maybe the brunette in question would prove more helpful.

"Hey, Haruhi?" Yuu somehow managed to gain all four of their attention as he spoke. "I have a question." 

She nodded, signaling him to continue.

"What the fuck?"

"It's a long story—" Before she could finish her sentence, the blond cut her off.

"Yuukou! A gentleman must never speak with such distasteful language like that. Especially to a lady—"

Oh, shit.

With a roll of the eyes, Yuu slouched back in his chair, paying full attention to the spoon (he didn't remember picking up) twirling around his fingers. He had unleashed a beast—angry chihuahua—and he was never going to hear the end.

Note to self, he thought, censor mouth around older brother.

"Will you two stop it!" Kyouya said more as a statement than a question, gripping the pen in his hand tight enough his knuckles were turning white. "Our guests will be here any moment. We need get into place."

"I'll take that as my cue to leave." Yuu stood, pushing his chair in before attempting to walk away.

Two steps and a blond suddenly in his path later, Yuu found himself sitting on the floor. He glared up at him as he spat, "Stop doing that!"

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