Britain meets the Midwest in Salem

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Scene 1:

Jack: (in a British accent) Father I want to go back to England.

Jack’s Father: Son it is time you opened your mind to the world outside of your choir. Now I will meet you at the station at five o’clock sharp.

Jack: But Father… (Jack mumbles quietly to himself, as his father walks away)

Scene 2:

On the other end of Salem a similar scene occurs.

Aunt Polly: Now liste’ to me! Huckleberry Finn! Tom Sawyer! Behave yourselves or the two of you will get no sweets for a week, make that two weeks when we get home. You two are to get in no mischief at all.

Boys: Yes ma’am.

Aunt Polly: Go explore boys. Remember, no trouble.

Boys: Yes ma’am.

Scene 3:

Two hours later, as the boys wander around the town of Salem; Huck and Tom slip down an alley in between houses.

Tom: O’er here Huck! It a door.

Huck: Where you reckon it leads, Tom?

Out of nowhere comes Jack.

Jack: Wizard!

Tom: Wizard? (Laughing). Dat boy ‘as nuttin’ in dat ‘ead o ‘is.

Huck: (Chuckling.) But what it lead to Tom?

Jack: Excuse me! It would be a cellar door. It leads to a cellar. And I will have you know I am the academy’s head choir boy.

Huck: Choir boy?

Tom: Mean he is one o em boys that does da sinin’ en da hats.

Huck: Da boys en da hats dat sing?

Both boys are bending over laughing at Jack.

Jack: I’ll have you know I’m also a hunter. (Jack pulls out a worn knife.) See this knife.

Tom: It don’t matter nuttin’. (Tom opens the door and makes a move to enter.)

Huck: What you doin’ dere Tom. Aun’ Polly ain’t gonna like you goin’ on dow’ dere. What if a ghost dow’ dere.

Jack: There is no ghost down there or anywhere! You sound like a littlun.

Huck: Watch what you be sayin’. We used to be part o Tom Sawyer’s Gang. We can kidnap you and ransomed you to death.

Tom: Let’s take a look before we have to go back to Aun’ Polly. We must ‘ave a bit o fun on dis trip.

Jack: Jolly good! Wizard!

Huck: All ‘ight.

Rise of the Ghost: A Salem TaleWhere stories live. Discover now