Can't I have them both? (BoyxBoy)

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Author's note = I told you guys I had a surprise for ya :D Well......SURPRISE!!!!! A brand new story :) New and improved.... and I have to say... I have many excellent and exciting ideas for this story and I'm so pumped up to write them :DD!!!

So I hope you like the first chappie :) I don't know when I'll write the second... maybe I'll write it when I see if people actually like this one...or not.... and if they don't then I could always just erase it...but to be honest... that would be a real shame :\ ....cause there's gonna be a lot of drama, excitement and smexyiness in this story... I think that's a word? haha well it's my new word now ;)

And I'll dedicate this chapter to the first person to comment on it :)

Well that's it for now.... love you guys <3....thanks for being such great fans and just such great readers <33


“I’ll come back for you I promise,” Ian’s words kept repeating round and round in my head as I was sleeping. I tossed back and forth from underneath my covers. This dream felt way too real for me. It was like I was there, but watching it from above. I watched as Ian took me into a large and warm embrace as he whispered these words so gently in my ear.

He gently brushed aside my hair that was in front of my eyes, and planted a sweet and tender kiss on my cheek, and then to my forehead, and then lastly onto my lips, and then he just disappeared into the dark of the night.

This dream I was having was indeed not an actual dream, it was a memory. From a long time ago actually… almost two years has passed now and I can’t believe I would be thinking about Ian at a time like this.

 I still remember that night, as if it happened just yesterday… I remember him saying that he loved me, I remember watching him walk out on me, and I remember yelling after him to come back, but he was already gone before he could hear me.

I felt so empty when he left, even though he was a guy. I don’t know why I let him get so close to me, I don’t know why I never resisted him, and let him kiss me. He broke my heart. He crushed it, ripped it to pieces, and then threw it into a furnace for it to wither away to ashes.

I promised myself to never let another guy get close to me ever again; I won’t fall in love… I refuse to! I don’t even know if I loved Ian… maybe I did, or maybe I was just confused. I never would’ve thought that is was supposed to hurt so badly when Ian left.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, was it morning yet? It was hard to open my eyes for some reason, but I could still see through the slits of my eyelids. Well I don’t see any light, so it mustn’t be morning yet…Damn, I was tired of sleeping… ironic huh.

Wait a minute, I don’t remember leaving my balcony door open? No wonder I felt a strange breeze. I quickly hopped out of my warm and comfortable bed, and shuffled across my soft and fluffy carpet all the way across my room to my balcony. I grasped the door with my right hand and slammed it close…oops; I hope no one heard that.

“Conner, “I heard my name being whispered from behind me. I swiftly turned around; straining my neck in the process…weird… no one was there.

“Connor,” I heard my name being said again, I turned in a 360 to see all around me, but still saw nothing. That was totally weird… I would’ve sworn someone was calling my name. Maybe it was all in my head.

I looked over to my Ihome that was proudly sitting on my nightstand that was next to my bed. Shit, it was 4 in the morning. No wonder I was hearing things. I climbed back into bed and got underneath my warm and toasty covers, snuggling my head against my pillow. As I was closing my eyes, I saw a strange figure standing in front of my balcony door, it was opened again. That’s funny; I would’ve sworn I had closed it nice and tight.

Can't I have them both? (BoyxBoy) (On Hold!!)Where stories live. Discover now