A Crazy Car Ride

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Ross's POV

I love being with Kassidy. Every second I spend with her i can be myself, thats whats so special about her.

"I'm sleepy" Kassidy said in a quiet voice.

"If your tired there's a pillow in the...." Before I could finish my sentence Kassidy had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I just smiled and let her sleep. Not that I enjoyed it or anything. Who am I kidding I loved it. Kassidy was asleep the rest of the ride home. Finally, I pulled up into the driveway. I would hate to wake Kassidy up. She looked so cute when she was asleep, but I had to wake her up since she had the keys to the house. "Wake up my sleeping beauty" I whispered in her ear.

"Ahhhh Monster!!!" Kassidy yelled while slapping me across the face.

"Ouch!!! What was that for?" I asked her.

"Sorry I was just having a  bad dream" she replied.

"Well if u have any more night mares I will fight them off for you" I said holding up my fists.

"My hero" Kassidy said while laughing.

"So how are we gonna get in the house?" I asked her.

"With this bad boy" Kassidy said while pulling her house key out oof her pocket.

"Ha okay" I said while taking the key out of her hand. I got out of the car and headed to the passengers seat.

Kassidy's POV

Ross seemed like a sweet guy. I was so happy when he offered to drive me home. Not because I liked him, but because I had no idea how i would get home with a sprained ankle. Ross opened the passengers saet and smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around him and hopped on his back. Not to sound like a kid or anything but I loved piggy back rides. Ross opened the door with the key I gave him and then we entered the front door.

"Where to now?" Ross asked me.

"Up the stairs to my room" I responded.

"All the way up there?" he said.

"Yup all the way up there" I told him. After that he began going up the stairs.

"What have you been eating?" Ross asked pretending he was out of breath.

"Shut up" I said messing up his hair.

"No!!! Not the hair, now your really gonna get it!!!" Ross yelled as I kept on messing up his hair. Ross ran up the stairs and ran into my room. He kept on spinning around in circles with me on his back until he got dizzy. Then he dropped me on the bed.

Ross's POV

I liked Kassidy, but she was going to pay for messing up my hair. I began tickling her until she turned red and couldn't breathe. Then i sat down next to her and looked around the room. She had posters of R5 all over the place. "So I see your a fan of R5" I told her.

"Are you kidding you guys are amazing" she responded. " It's getting late you should get going" Kassidy said while checking her phone.

"Yeah I should. By the way I live just across the street" I told her.

" Really? That's cool. Well I guess I will see you later alligator." she said while smiling.

I smiled back and responed "In a while crocodile." Then I turned around, walked down the stairs and out the front door.

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