Claimed : { Chapter Four }

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Copyright © 2013 Gabriella Pernal.

All rights reserved.


Chapter Four:

THE EARLY HOURS OF the morning wearily approached the academy, the first light of the sunrise dancing across the dew-blanketed meadows. Blearily blinking away the film from her eyes, Noella lazily came to, her limbs inciting her body to awaken.

Pulling herself out of bed and hopping down, she noticed that both Derrick and Luca were still fast asleep. Glancing cautiously over to Nikolai's bed, she was greeted by the sight of an immaculately-made bed with no signs of habitation. Surprise, surprise.

A thankful sigh caught in her throat and she began gawkily spluttering as Ryley's exuberant self burst through their front door, coffee in one hand and bagel in the other. The last thing this girl needed was more caffeine, Noella glumly thought to herself.

"Hey! Good morning, sunshine!" Ryley whisper-shouted. Rubbing at her eyes, Noella hoped this was all just a bad dream. There was no way any werewolf could be this energetic at this time of morning.

Noella hesitated a moment before clumsily replying, "Morning. . . What time did you wake up?"

Plopping herself down on the bed, Ryley took a sip of her coffee and nibbled silently at her bagel before glimpsing at her watch. What she-wolf wears a watch?

"About an hour ago," she stated matter-of-factly. "Glad to see I'm not the only morning bird around here!"

Noella raised her eyebrows quizzically at Ryley.

"Um, what do you mean?"

Ryley's eyes widened and Noella grew uncomfortable, shifting her weight in anticipation for an answer. Suddenly, the chipper she-wolf erupted into a fit of giggles and laughter.  Standing there bewildered, Noella was feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second.

"Classes are at night, silly! That's why only a few packs were here yesterday. You were one of the oversoon groups. Most wolves are arriving during the day today when it's light out."

Wow; had she really been that clueless? She must look like an absurd blockhead now. She had already made her first impression soaked to the tee with rain and mud. So much for morning-after impressions as well.

"But why?" Noella questioned Ryley again. Why wouldn't they take advantage of the daylight?

"Because we're stronger at night. We adapt easier and absorb more at our peak time," Ryley explained haltingly and enunciating, almost as if she were talking to a naive child.

"Oh," was all Noella could manage to say.

Kicking her feet up onto her bed, Ryley turned her attention back to her morning snack.

"You can go back to bed, now." she chuckled. Immediately, Noella nodded and climbed the ladder to her top bunk.

She knew that it was nearly impossible for her to fall asleep once she had become fully attentive, but she thought she'd give it a try anyway.

After about an hour of failed attempts, Noella finally threw in the towel and decided to go search for Ryley who had left the cabin about a half hour before.

Tip-toeing past the two sleeping boys, she carefully opened the door and closed it behind her, grabbing her now-dry sweatshirt from the night before. It was messily hung over the wooden railing on the cabin's deck, the former dark grey now restored to its original grayish-white.

Once halfway across the quarter, a thought crossed her mind. She must've looked absolutely ridiculous. Still dressed in her night clothes, only the sweatshirt was keeping her safe from the chilly morning air. The silky fabric of her clothes did little against the harsh cold that surrounded her.

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