Claimed : { Chapter One }

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Copyright © 2013 Gabriella Pernal.

All rights reserved.


This story, "Claimed" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyrighted. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Gabriella Pernal) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law. Any links, images, brand names, or otherwise copyrighted material is not covered by my copyright. No copyright infringement intended.

PLEASE NOTE: This novel does contain sexual references, harsh language, and strong violence. You have been warned.


Chapter One:

THE OUTLINE OF THE trees was replaced with the fading creamy glow of the evening's waning moon. Noella, Misha, Solenn, Bailey, and Derrick sat sprawled out on the dew-veiled grass on a hill at the edge of the forest overlooking the nearest city. The usual scattered stars twinkled invisible to the group, the urban smog concealing them from view.

"Are you sure we're allowed to be this close to the humans?" questioned Bailey for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, Bailey. It's not like we've never been up close to a human before. Besides, we're miles away. Nobody is going to spot us and be like 'Hey, they're werewolves,'" Misha assured her, though by Bailey's furrowed eyebrows, he knew she still wasn't convinced. Misha was quickly growing tired of her worry, letting out an exasperated sigh before resting his head back against a tall oak tree.

"You didn't have to tag along," Solenn reminded her. "You came by choice alone. We didn't allow you to join us so you could moan and groan every other second." Solenn strained to keep a snarl from escaping her throat as her inner wolf was a creature of minimum patience.

Solenn was approximately five foot ten, twenty years of age, towering over many of the other she-wolves by more than a few inches. Though her hazel-coloured wolf was quite temperamental, she had the most kindred spirit when her inner wolf didn't feel like saying otherwise.

Bailey, the pack's brat and the Beta's daughter, was more on the petite side. She used to be a sweet, polite girl but since her father was promoted to Beta, the unearned position of being Beta's blood-heir went straight to her head.

And to her hips, Noella thought with a smirk. Noella was not one to judge a book by its cover but if someone acts wrongly toward her packmates, she's willing to hold a grudge.

Once her 'daddy' was initiated into his higher ranking, Bailey Leone decided to splurge a little and since then, she had been eating half of the pack's food supply with no confrontation from the Alpha. Her shape morphed from a twig-like girl to a heavily pear-shaped drama queen and from a speedy, vigilant wolf to a sluggish, lazy mutt. It was difficult to stand her and her need to be a part of everything that wouldn't normally involve her. She enjoyed 'sticking her nose' in other people's business (pun intended). And by other people's business, I mean especially Noella's.

Noella was about five foot six with long, great legs and a well-earned figure. Her large yellow eyes were soft even in the harshest of light and long black-brown curls waved all the way down to the dimples in her back. Her mother was a well-respected she-wolf that handled the Hollenbrook pack's housing while Noella's father had been banished long ago never to return. He had disrespected the previous Alpha and challenged him for the position. Her father lost the duel and was therefore shunned from the pack. Bailey had used this fact on more than one occasion to spite Noella.

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