Claimed : { Chapter Two }

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Copyright © 2013 Gabriella Pernal.

All rights reserved.


Chapter Two:

"RISE AND SHINE, chica! It's time to hunt," Kaysee, Noella's best friend, called down at her. She was jumping up and down on Noella's large mattress. Kaysee wasn't very big—in fact, she was quite the opposite—but her werewolf strength sent Noella flying into the air.

Startled, Noella jumped to her feet after hitting the wood-panelled floor with a thud, shooting Kaysee an agitated look. Kaysee had medium-length red hair that hung in little waves, looking consistently crimped. Her bright purple eyes—werewolves usually had a larger spectrum of possible eye colours—seemed a bit small on her tanned face.

"It's time to hunt!" Kaysee repeated and, this time, it finally registered with Noella.

"Don't you want to sleep late on our last day in our own beds?" she retorted, sluggishly wincing as she stretched. 

Though they are better built than humans, a shove from a fellow werewolf can cause a bit of pain. 

Padding over to her mini bathroom in her fuzzy socks, Noella proceeded to wash her face and brush her teeth.

"No way!" Kaysee answered enthusiastically. Of course not. Noella sighed. "Don't you want to spend the day with our pack? Who knows when we'll see some of them again,"

Noella began to reply, her toothbrush still in her mouth, but all that came out was a muffled 'oomph'ing sound. "On second thought, don't answer that." Kaysee chuckled heartily.

Noella finished tending to her teeth, leaving them with a polished, white gleam. She started to weave her long hair into a reverse braid, eventually fastening it on the bottom with a blue tie.

"So what's the deal with housing? From what I've heard, they have cabins all across the Academy's land fit for five wolves at a time. Do you think we'll get to choose our own roommates?" Kaysee wondered aloud.

"Cabins, five wolves, coed, at least one packmate roomie for newcomers," Noella recited, pulling on some old sweats. No point in wearing anything nice if they were hunting.

Noella's brother had given her all the details from his time at the Academy. There were four parts to the 'campus' in the woods. The largest log cabin was at least the size of twenty housing cabins combined; that's where the indoor classes took place. Then there were the training fields for all outdoor classes and sessions. They each contained anything from obstacle courses, to strength-training equipment, to sparring arenas. Each was designed for werewolves and ruggedly made. Don't get me wrong, they still have technology such as TV's but werewolves prefer to make things the old-fashioned way.

Next was the dining hall. It was able to hold more than eight student packs, each student pack totaling at about five coming-of-age wolves.

Due to specified mating seasons, there was a gap between the last group of werewolves to enter the Academy and them. Therefore, there wouldn't be any fellow Hollenbrook wolves there to help them along.

Last were the housing cabins. They dot the remainder of the Remiluna pack's land. Each has five wolves; two pairs of people from the same pack and a Remiluna student. They serve as the 'watchful eye'. Everyone knows that the Remiluna pack thinks they're superior to all, known to be cruel and cold to outsiders. Teachers apparently give them the upper hand at the Academy as well. Noella was not looking forward to sharing a room with one.

Kaysee nodded, still deep in thought and consumed with anticipation.

Coed cabins didn't come as much of a surprise to Kaysee. Not much fooling around and mischief happened with un-Sparked wolves. Until a wolf found its mate, not a lot of worrisome interest is taken in those of the opposite gender.

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