Chapter One

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Welcome, complete strangers :)

This is my first story here, and I'm pretty much winging this so bear with me it could be good or a complete train wreck. So let me know which one it is, that'd be helpful. (Beware of mild language)

Well, without keeping you much longer... here's Chapter One. Leggo!


Chapter One

'God his eyes are gorgeous' I think to myself daydreaming as I walk through the halls. That's when I realize, he's walking towards me. Oh my gosh is he actually going to talk to me?! He's getting closer he's coming right at me, his eyes seem to be looking behind me though. He's going to walk right into me! Just before it happens his emerald green eyes shoot down at me. He must be 6'3 or something he's SO tall.

"Oh, sorry." he says quickly his mind somewhere else. He's back to looking past me.

"Sorry," I reply awkwardly and move to my right at the same time he does.

He looks back down at me. I shuffle to the left just as he takes a giant step to the left almost hitting the lockers trying to make his way around me. He looks annoyed, and takes a step forward. My eyes open wide realizing how close we were. If I moved any closer we'd kiss. I could smell his cologne. I couldn't put my finger on what it smelt like, kind of like Lucky Charms but in a manly they were covered in sweat.

His brown hair falls perfectly onto his forehead. He's wearing a burgundy V-neck t-shirt, it was tight enough to see his defined six-pack, but loose enough that it didn't look like he stole his girlfriend's shirt. He wore with a unzipped gray sweatshirt over top. I wonder if his choice of tan shorts was a little extreme considering it was the beginning of April and it was just starting to get warm. It seemed like I was standing there forever until I stepped over to the right. Just as I did so, he ran past me yelling someone's name.

I stand there in awe. I, Addison Carter almost kissed Blair. Blair Adams! Too bad I ruined the moment by being so dang awkward! I realize that I've been standing the hall way for the past four minutes. I blink a few times and continue walking to the cafeteria.

*In the cafeteria*

"Yo, bitch! Sit yo ass down," ordered Natalie pointing to the seat beside her. We all have that one friend who has the mouth of a sailor and tries acting like they're from the ghetto, when really they live a perfectly normal life and they worst they've been through is when their dog died. Well, that's Natalie for you. She's been like this ever since she came back from her trip to LA last summer.

I sat down next to Natalie as she scooted her bag closer to her thick thigh, she definitely isn't fat but neither is she anorexic. I could still smell the fresh sent of her hair dye. She's naturally blond but she dyes her hair dark brown. She straightens the living crap out of it every day but she still manages to make it look good. She could go without the heavy black rim of eyeliner around her eyes though. It just makes her look like a raccoon some days.

Across from me is Meghan, the red-head, her hair falls in little ringlets. Her eyes are the lightest shade of green. She always complains of her being "fat" but as of yesterday she can still squeeze into a size one. Beside her is the sunning Audrey. She's the type of girl that beauty just comes naturally to, she could dye her blond hair pitch black spike it into a Mohawk, and still be put on the cover of Seventeen magazine.

Well these girls are my 'clique'. We'd all know each other since grade nine, we've had our ups and downs but we'd always end up together in the end.

"Okay, guys so you know that Blair kid --" I began to tell them about my incident with Blair when I was interrupted by Audrey.

"You mean Blair Adams?! Who doesn't know that hotty?" Audrey said in a 'duh' tone.

A smile spreads on my face as I continued.

"Well, I was walking through the halls on my way here and I ran into him! We were like inches away from kissing!" I screech in an excited voice.

Audrey dramatically flips her luscious curly blond locks behind her shoulder.

"Aw, jealous!" Audrey confesses.

We all laugh together. I state that I'll be right back and I head off to the lunch line. I ponder what I was going to order. Nothing on the 'menu' sounded that appetizing.

I sigh, and pull my knotted honey blond hair into a messy bun. I'd been growing it out for some time now, ever since I thought it would be a good idea to get a pixie cut in the eighth grade. Let me tell you, I did NOT look anything like Ashley Greene! More like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. My hair has weird natural waves that I don't let show often but, they do not look good in short hair!

I cringe thinking back at how I used to look. My hair's grown to were it just reaches my collar bones. I'm next in line and I still haven't decided what to order. The guy in front of me grabs his slice of greasy pizza from the counter and walks back to his table. I look back to see a lady in her mid to late fifties smiling up at me. She has her light gray hair pulled up into the mesh hair net. She looks way too peppy, no one should be that happy to be serving a bunch of teens processed food. It's just unnatural.

"What can I get you today, young lady?" she says smiling her fake smile.

"Um, can I get a medium fry, please?" I ask trying my best not to sound like a teenage thug.

"Yes, if that's all, it will be three dollars on the dot," she stated still smiling.

I reach into my pocket for some change when a quarter flew out onto the ground. I squat down to pick it up. Wishing I didn't wear these jeans today, although they make my legs look REALLY good I wish I got them in a bigger size it felt like they were going to rip.

And sure enough there was the sound that ruined my life. It echoed, bouncing off the walls. If this were a movie, it would be the scene where the screen flashed a picture of the school, then the city, then the whole world. As the sound of denim ripping replays. You know the scene I'm talking about! I feel my cheeks flush bright red. I curse under my breath. What am I supposed to do?! It felt like everyone in the whole room had their eye plastered to my butt. I pray that the jeans didn't rip in a way that showed my flower printed granny panties too bad.

I stood up, glancing behind me to see a senior staring at me. Being as I was only a junior makes things worse. He opened his mouth to speak. I braced myself for the worst. The room seemed to be dead silent.

"That was one big fart! You managed to rip your pants that take skill!" he loudly smirked.

What seemed to be the whole cafeteria bursts into laughter, I look over to my group of friends who were cracking up. 'Thanks guys wouldn't want to help me or anything!' I think to myself.

Standing there in shame, I glance around the room, planning my escape route. If I could get out the side door, which is like eight rows of tables away, I could go change into my gym clothes. Wait, no I left my gym clothes at home! What the hell am I supposed to change into? I realize that I've been standing here looking like an idiot that forgot how to walk, starring at the door.

Out of nowhere I see him. His short black hair was spiked up at the front. His bright blue eyes hit the light perfectly as he ran past me holding two serving trays. He put one behind my butt and the other in front, and led me out of the cafeteria.


Weell? Good or bad? You tell me :D Tell me if you want more or if I should just... not, lol. Excuse any mistakes I tried my best to fix any. I know I probably didn't write much but I thought this was a good place to end. I hope you liked it!

Bye, bye for now!


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