Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Once in the hall way, my heart rate slows down. 

"Hey, are you okay?" a deep concerned voice asks.

I look up to see who my hero is. Seth Campbell. I've known him since what, kindergarten? Grade one? Since when is he so good looking?! I remember when he was a little, chubby, shy kid. I looked at him, he was no body builder, but you could tell he worked out. I guess he stopped eating those Twinkies. I never actually had a conversation with the guy, maybe once or twice asking what the date or time was. 

I snapped out of my daze, realizing he'd asked me a question.

"Uh, yeah. Just a little embarrassed I guess," I say stuttering a bit. Leaning my weight from one foot to the other, something I did when I was nervous.

"Do you want me to walk you down to the office? Do you have any clothes to change into?" He blurted.

"No, I don't have anything to change into.  I'll call my mom or maybe they'll have something in the office. I'm pretty sure my friend Meghan might have a pair of shorts in her gym locker," I reply sticking my thumb over my shoulder to point in Meghan's direction.

"I have a pair of gym shorts in my locker if you want 'em," he suggested with smirk spread across his face.

"I think I'll be okay, thanks," I said turning on my heels, heading towards the office.

I try my hardest not to rip my pants any more than they already have.  I feel like a penguin. I hope Seth isn't still watching me. I debate whether to look back. I decide not to, when I hear foots steps pounding up behind me.

I turn my head to see Seth running up behind me. I look at him waiting for him to talk.

"I--uh--just though I'd stay with you...just to make sure you get some-- pants," Seth said looking down the hall when he finished speaking.

"Uh, thanks," I reply awkwardly.

We continue walking down the hallway to the office.  Neither of us talked the walk there. He looked in my direction a few times as though he was going to start a conversation, but then he looked away again. 

Once at the office I walk the counter.  I never did like the secretary here. She didn't care about anyone but herself, you could tell if she had the chance to get out of this hell she wouldn't give it a second thought, though I can't blame her. I'm pretty sure anyone here would do the same. She was busy talking on the phone when I arrived at the counter.

"Yes I'll tell him. Was there anything else?" she inquired in her fake voice, the voice she used only talking to parents through the phone. 

I look back at Seth who had sat down in one of the waiting chairs. He had his phone out playing a game, I could hear the faint jingle that sang out of the Iphone. He had his game face on, biting down on his tongue while violently whipping the phone side to side.  I couldn't help but to chuckle to myself at how concentrated he was.

"What do you need?" the secretary asked back in her always annoyed voice. 

I jumped at the question, spinning back to face the counter. I look back at her. Her face looked like she just got Botox done, with her lips puckered. Her thin blond eyebrows were pushed together 

"Um, I kind of--ripped my pants," I say stuttering.

She looks at me with a smirk on her face.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" she asked.

"I was wondering if I could call my mom?" I asked annoyed by her lack of helpfulness.

"Yup, the phone's right there," she claimed and pointed to the phone behind me with a nail file.

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