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We set off packing our stuff. When I started to wonder when Will became sexy?

Before he was just Will. Cute,funny, doesn't want to deliver a baby, Will.


I pack up my suitcase and take one last look at my hotel room. Dark , ugly , and disgusting. But also cozy-ish?

I'm supposed to be meeting Will in the lobby. As I head down the stairs I see him waiting, dressed in a bright pink shirt and jeans, he stood out from the crowd. While I was in a comfy gray shirt, and black pants.
"What are you wearing" I hiss indicating to his shirt. We're supposed to blend in.
He gives me a cocky smile "what its breast cancer awareness month. Pull out you're pink?!" He says with a disapproving nod.
"I'm like 90 years old. Give a guy a break" I say rolling my eyes. "Kids these days!" I laugh.

Heading for the door I catch a glimpse of a girl staring at us with a disgusted face.
What is she staring at?


That seems to be my catch fraise of the day.

Ahead of me is a very long day of hunting demands or ghots or spirits. Whatever you want to call them.
Heaving a sigh at the crowded streets of Miami I walk forward and Dont look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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