Chapter One: Elroy Snow

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They say that a man who wishes for riches is a man who works until he forgets all else.

That wasn't the case for Elroy in fact it was the contrary. Where most would use their free time studying, he spent his playing Playstation. His mother would frequently enter the room tiptoeing around his clothes, and threaten to switch off his console or the black hypnotist as she grew to name it.

"Mum," he calls out as she blocks his view "come on its not funny ... please."

"Do you know how long you've been playing?" Her hands were fastened across her chest. She let him off the previous hours after he promised he'd stop, now she was determined no matter how hard he begged she would not budge. "Well ..."

"Two hours." He shuffled to one side to try and get a better view of the game. He was beating his university friend 2-1, with ten minutes left. "Please mum, I promise I'll stop after this."

"That's what you said six hours ago." She came closer and put her hand forward "give it."

"Mum I'm not a kid anymore ..." he paused the game to give her his attention "I'm a man now, you have to stop treating me like this."

"A man doesn't play video games for six hours." Elroy opened his mouth to reply but thought better of it. "Exactly. Now hand it over."

It was the 90th minute, he begged for the ref to call the whistle. His mother was less understanding she snatched the controller off his hands, before he could react his friend had already scored. He took a deep breath to compose himself, it's your mother ... FIFA isn't important he repeated trying to keep his cool.

"Quit sulking," said his mother breaking him out of his trance. "Your aunt and uncle are downstairs, you better hurry and greet them."

He left the room repressing his urge to shout. Your a big man now, Elroy he said to himself. Come on. His expressions hadn't changed in time, when he entered the room his aunt asked him what was wrong offering him a seat on her armrest. Tests, and their difficulties he explained.

"They aren't a problem," said his uncle taking a bite into an Oreo then dunking it into his milk. At least I can still dunk my Oreos when i'm older he thought. "You see in my time, whenever tests would come up it wouldn't bother me because I already knew the principles." His uncle was a successful man, he knew every property broker in town, he too had a successful property company back in his country Kenya.

"Well I don't."

"Well ... you should. Otherwise how do you expect to pass." he licked the remnants of the Oreo from the side of his mouth then continued " your cousin ..." Elroy knew his cousin very well. Akib he was all his uncle ever spoke about, so much so that Elroy had even forgotten that Akib was human. "He's now in Kenya generating millions. You think that he got there because of me don't you?" when Elroy hadn't answered he continued "he got there because he worked hard in school, he knew the principles. He achieved his masters, and now and is running one of the largest property firms in Kenya."

"Enough Ole, Elroy doesn't want to hear that ..." she came in just in time. Aunt Kacy considered by everyone the counter part of her husband. "Listen darling," said his aunt cupping his head with her soft hands and bringing him under her chin "you can be anything you want, and you don't even need university." she said university as a faint whisper in his ear. His uncle didn't hear but if he had, they were sure they'd hear another story. Elroy kissed her on her forehead "Are you coming to your grandma's birthday." she asked him.

By now his mother had returned to the room carrying a large plastic bag. Elroy didn't have to guess what was inside, the PlayStation's wire was hanging from the top. He went to go after her but his aunt held his arm back "leave it." She waited for her sister to walk out of sight before pressing on her question "So are you coming? Everyone wants to see you."

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