11-Everything will be alright

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After I said that, the whole room fell silence for what felt like forever.

I stared at him, he had wide eyes and was staring into space. I couldn't read his expression. He looked really surprised and scared. But I felt slightly better when I noticed he didn't looked angry.

I was so scared, I didn't wanted him hating me, or our baby. I wanted him to be happy and stay with me. But you can't always get what you want. I was okay with him wanting to be a part of the baby's life, even if it wasn't being with me. Does that makes sense?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft, almost inaudible voice, "What?" Jai quietly asked.

"I'm pregnant" I said, this time a little bit louder and less fearful.

"I-Is...uh..is it mine?" He asked slowly blinking and looking at me with so much intensity that it made my stomach turn. In a good way.

His question really hurt me. How can he be doubtful about me being with other guys? He was my first and he knows it. I know I wasn't his first time, but I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did. That's when our little miracle was created. But of course he would ask that, when you fuck with someone you barely know and they tell you they're pregnant with your baby, of course you'll ask if the baby is yours.

"Of course it's yours" I said rolling my eyes. I felt my heart breaking when he carefully and slowly stood up.

"I-I need to go...I need to get out of here..." He quietly repeated over and over again. Every hope and fantasy I had were now shattered. The love of my life, the father of my baby, one of my biggest friends just walked away from me, did he walked out of my life? Forever?

I felt something wet and warm streaming down my cheeks.

I felt so alone. I thank god everyday for putting Beau in my life, he's the only one that hasn't left me when he found out I was pregnant. Two of the most important people in my life weren't so supportive.

I felt everything coming up and I shot up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. I knelt down in front of the toilet and everything came out, emptying my stomach.

Once I was finished, I flushed the toilet and made my way back to the bed.

For the next couple of hours I laid there, eating some fruits, watching TV. Acting like nothing happened, like Jai never came earlier. But the pain was still there. And it grew stronger every time.

I heard two voices from downstairs, they're voices grew louder every time, they were getting closer.

The room door opened and A laughing Beau and Luke appeared.

A slight frown made its way to Luke's face, "Where's Jai? He told me he was coming to check on you" he said confused. I looked down and sighed.

"He left" I said looking at Beau and after a couple of seconds, realization took over his factions. He had a confused and shocked expression on his face.

"Oh" Was all Beau said and Luke had a confused look on his face.

"But he told me he was staying with you" Luke said shaking his head, "I'll be right back" he said before walking out of the room.

Beau sat next to me and kissed my cheek, "How do you feel?" He asked smiling at me.

I sighed, "About the baby...thankfully better...emotionally, not so good" I mumbled. He grabbed my hand and slightly squeezed it.

"You told him?" He asked, I nodded. I didn't regret telling him cause at some point I had to, I regretted telling him so soon. Maybe I should've waited.

One night stand-Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now