16- Jealous

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I smiled as I looked around, we were already at the water park, and let me tell you, it was packed! There were so many people!

"Aye, let's sit there" Skip said and pointed at an area where there were like seven empty pool chairs.

We nodded and walked towards them. We dropped our bags, and I took off my dress.

The boys started whistling and I blushed and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Stop" I whispered-yelled and they laughed.

"I want a piece of that ass" James loudly said and I gasped as I laughed.

"No, I want a piece of that ass!" Luke loudly said and slapped my ass.

I yelped and glared at him, "Ow" I said, still glaring at him but a pout appeared on my face.

"Well, it seems like we all want a piece of that ass" Beau chuckled and winked at me.

"Too bad she's mine, and I'm the only one that can have a piece of that ass" Jai chuckled and pecked my lips.

I pushed him away, "No" was all I said and smirked.

The boys took off their shirts and I couldn't lie, I had a good view.

"My best friends are so sexy" I jokingly said and they smirked, uh oh.

"I know" they said at the same time and we all chuckled.

"Hola" someone said from behind and we turned around. Juan and Chelsey were standing a couple of feet away from us.

We cheered, "Hey!" I happily said and hugged Juan. I kissed Chelsey's cheek and hugged her.

I saw how she stared at something or someone with blushing cheeks and bright eyes. I turned to look at what she was looking and. Saw Beau looking at her in the same way.

I mentally awww'ed and looked at Jai. So, so, so beautiful.

I looked around and saw many water slides, the huge pool, full of people, and the bars at practically every corner of this place. There was even one inside the pool.
'Give me everything' by Pitbull was blasting through the speakers all around the place. I moved my head to the beat.

I walked to where the pool was and slowly got in. I expected the water to be cold, but it was warm. Perfect.

I swam to the bar and sat on one of the high stools. Bottom half was underwater and it felt nice.

"Hi, what can I get you?" A young girl, wearing a suitm suit and a hat that had the water park's name, smiled at me.

"Hey, I'll have a piña colada" I smiled and she nodded.

I've been here before so I know how this works. Your order something and you give them your table number, or the number of the area we were sitting.

The girl came back with my drink, "Thanks" I smiled, "Number?" The girl asked, and I was about to say something, when someone interrupted me, "Table 37" a deep voice said.

I turned to look at who was paying for my drink and realized it wasn't someone I knew. He smiled at me, he was young, handsome, and his eyes were olive green. His hair was black, he was white, almost pale, but he looked good, and he had an ear piercing.

"Thank you" I smiled and he nodded.

"I'm David" he said and held out his hand, I shook it, "I'm Kristal" I smiled and he returned the smile, "Nice to meet you, Kristal" He said.

"Nice to meet you too" I smiled, I hope I don't look like a creep smiling so much.

I tensed when I felt a pair of hands wrapping themselves around my waist.

One night stand-Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now