18- Trouble in paradise

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"Baby, please open the door" Jai quietly pleaded from the other side of the door.

I was currently in Beau's room, hiding away from Jai.

We weren't in good terms right now, as you probably can see.

Weeks ago we were all happy together, but two nights ago I found out something that broke my heart.

Jai had been using me all this time.

Just thinking about it still breaks my heart. I thought we were getting to our happy ending.

I know it sounds cheesy, but it's the truth. The things he said to me and the way he treated me made me think he was genuinely interested in me.

"Jai...please stop. I don't wanna see you right now, I don't wanna be near you at all...leave me alone" my voice sounded quiet and broken.

"Kristal, please. I can explain, but please let me in, don't push me away, not right now" he desperately said trying to open the door.

"Not now? When do I push you away? When you're done fucking me and get tired of me? When you're done using me? And when that happens, what will you do? Leave me with our child and find another girl and leave her pregnant like you did to me?" I harshly asked, holding back my tears.

I now I was being probably too harsh on him, but I was hurt.

I was selfish, I wanted him to myself.

He suddenly stopped trying, like he gave up.

"Okay" was all he said, his voice quiet.

"I'll leave you alone" he added, he voice was fading away, like he was walking away.

I closed my eyes as I felt the pain in my chest intensifying.

I had heard him talking with Ariana, he told her how he was using me, he pointed out all my flaws, the things he hated about me.

I thought he like me.

I guess I was wrong, so, so wrong.

With every second I spent by his side, my love and affection for him grew.

The only thing from him that grew for me was how many times he fucked me.

It was the truth, that has been the truth all along.

I sighed and decided to give up. I took a shaky breath and stood up.

I walked towards the door and unlocked it, I walked out of the room and went downstairs.

I saw Jai sitting on the couch, head in his hands.

"Why did you kept fucking me if you only sleep with people one time?" I asked casually.

He slightly jumped when he heard my voice.

His eyes lit up when they landed on me, but the a frown appeared on his face when he understood what I said.

"W-what...I-" he stuttered, trying to get something out.

"Why did you fucked me so many times when you only fuck a girl once? Why me? Cause it was easier and I'm living in the same house as you? You knew how I feel about you, but you didn't cared! You just wanted to fuck" I started with my voice raising but at the end I started sobbing and my voice cracked and broke.

He shook his head the whole time I talked and stood up, walking towards me, "Baby-"

"Don't call me that" I dryly and coldly said.

One night stand-Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now