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HEY lol sorry bout the last chapter lol i know it was short and not that interesting but im making it up by writing Chapter 6 longer and somewhat more interesting lol :) i hope more readers start reading bc it seems after every chapter i write i get less and less readers and no votes :'(  man tough crowd aint it :/ buttt i hope i get more readers soon :) Thanks to those who are reading , love you guys :D HEREEEE CHAPTER 6 lol oh if you have any questions just comment and i will answer you :D


 So they all left the Center by midnight and headed off to the airport to the boys private jet plane. To the girls astonishment, all their stuff was already being put in the plane and even Alainn's cat, Mr. NomNoms or Nomers, was waiting for her in the plane. "NOMERS i thought i was never going to see you again" she picked up her cat and hugged him. "Ohhh a cat" exclaimed Harry. "Oh boy not again" Liam said rolling his eyes. "Harry would you like to hold Nomers?" Alainn asked a very excited Harry. "YES i thought you would never ask! THANKS Alainn!" Harry said as he picked Nomers up. "Harry wait..becareful..Nomers doesnt like being picked up li..." Alainn started to say then was confused when Nomers was in Harry's arms purring "What were saying Alainn?" asked Harry. "Well i was going to say that Nomers doesnt like it when people pick him up like that especially guys except me, Nonna and Angie, but i guess he lets you?" Alainn said confused. "Well Alainn, i would like to remind you that Harry here is good with cats remember?" said Louis. "Ohhh pftt duh..aha i should have known._." chuckled Alainn. Paul then said "Lads and girls, shall we board the plane now?". Yes' and Of course was heard from them and they boarded the plane. 

Once on the plane, the guys settled down in their seats while the girls were in their own little corner discussing what happened earlier. "Alainn I cant believe we are decendents from the most powerful witches and warlocks" whispered Nonna is excitement. "But Nonna how can Alainn have witch, demon and angel blood in her yet she is considered human?" pointed out Angie. "I dont even know Angie...Im quite scared frankly" said Alainn. "I mean im proud to have witch and angel blood in me, dont get me wrong, im thankful for the gifts that were brought upon us but the demon blood just scares me to death, what if i turn evil or something and cause havoc? What if i kill people? What if i hurt you guys?" now Alainn was even more scared. Nonna spoke up and said "Alainn dont worry you wont turn evil, we can fight this together, you,me and angie, and dont forget we have the guys to help now:)" she reassured Alainn. "Girls why dont we get some rest first..i know all this info we got today was overwhelming and Alainn i know your scared but like Nonna said we are here for you and now we have the guys to help if anything goes wrong, and it wont, but we just need to rest and get it out of our mind even for a couple of hours ok?" said Angie. "Maybe your right Angie, Im pretty knackered" yawned Nonna and Alainn nodded her head in agreement. They went to find an empty seat and luckily the was one next to Liam,Zayn and Niall. So Nonna took the one next Liam, Angie took the one next to Zayn and Alainn took the one next Niall. 

The guys were already sleeping (and yes vampires actually do need their sleep) and soon the girls except Alainn fell asleep. She had too much on her mind and it kept her from sleeping, so she took out her Ipod and put on some music, she decided to listen to Be Alright by Justin Bieber and soon she started to sing along while looking out the window. During the middle of the song she heard another voice singing along with her and she looked to her side and saw Niall awake and smiling. She took her headphones out and said "oh im soo sorry Niall..was i singing too loudly? I didnt mean to wake you." Niall chuckled and said "Dont worry banphrionsa, you have a very beautiful voice and you werent singing loudly." Alainn blushed and said "Oh ok, um Niall what does banphrionsa mean?" Niall chuckled and said "It means princess in Gaeilge or Irish :)" and that made Alainn blush very badly. "oh" she said and slightly giggled to herself. "Why are you still up anyways Alainn?" asked Niall sleepily. "oh um, im just not that tired yet Nini" "Nini?" Niall asked. "Oh its the nickname that nonna calls you and i think its cute so yeah, its ok if i call you Nini right?" Alainn asked shyly. "Of course it is princess :) I love the name." smiled Niall. Alainn and niall talked for a bit more then Niall felt that Alainn couldnt sleep so he sang Little Things to her and soon enough she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. He smiled and said a quiet goodnight then he too went to sleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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