Harder Than Expected

38 1 1

Okay, I'm having difficulty with the answer.

When I asked which answer anyone would choose, they chose for me to ask one of their friends. One problem with that.

Emily's friends won't say a word to me.

I've asked all of her friends that I know of in school, and they didn't want to talk to me. I'm guessing they knew about what happened, so they hate my guts and want me to wither away in Hell.

So, if any of you are Emily's friends, and know her side of the story, private message me what her side is, because she doesn't even want to talk to me either, and her friends are being rude to me.

And if none of you know her side of the story, I'll have to do another question thing, the exact same, only without the answer D. Just A, B, and C.

So, let's see if she told anyone about her side of the story.

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