What The Hell?

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School had went by fairly well this week. I avoided Jeff for the most part, but I cant stop thinking about him. A part of me doesn't want to stop thinking about him, but I tried my best to ignore this feeling. It's Saturday, Jeff's birthday party. I figured I would just play sick to get out of going but my mother said, "I need to get out of the house and make some friends." I told her, "I had a friend- Claire." She just rolled her eyes and said, "you are going to that party and thats final." I groaned and stomped upstairs slamming my door dramatically slow to make sure she knew I was pissed. I let out a heavy sigh and figured, I might as well get ready. So I walked to my dresser and picked out my clothes. I chose some black tights that were ripped up and a short black skirt that kinda seemed like a tutu but no where near as poofy. I then grabbed a tight black tank top. It covered my front but the back was gone and it laced all the way down with thick midnight purple ribbon. I walked to the bathroom and stripped my clothes off avoiding my reflection. I have days where I can't stop looking at my reflection, but then I have days where I just want to smash every mirror I see. I stepped into the shower and twisted the knob for cold water. I gasped as the ice cold water rushed down my body, dripping off of my chin. I grabbed the new bottle of body wash that my mother bought me, and poured some into my hand. I started to rub it all over my body then rinsed it. I washed my hair and shaved. Then jumped out and rapped my towel around me, I dried my hands and walked to the side iof my bed and took my phone off charge. Then I unplugged my charger and set it on my nightstand. I unlocked my phone and saw I had a text from Claire. I opened it and read it out loud, "Heyy, you gonna be at Jeff's birthday party?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, then quickly started to type a reply, "who else would keep you from eating all the cake?" I giggled and pressed the send button, then hit the home button. I clicked into my music and scrolled down to Final Episode, by Asking Alexandria. As the music started, I mouthed the words and walked back to the bathroom. I blow dried my hair and then flat-ironed it. I then piled on thick heavy black eyeliner all around my eyes. Then I grabbed my black lipstick and slowly applied it to my lips. I took a step back forcing myself to look in the mirror. I didn't look that bad. I then dropped my towel and put on a red strapless bra then some red panties to match. I then slid my tanktop over my head, and pulled my tights on. I then slid my skirt on. I finished by sliding on my nylon glove and all of my band bracelets. I walked to my closet and grabbed some black converse and socks. I slid them on anraced downstairs for breakfast. When I got down, I realized that I forgot to grab my phone so I headed back up stairs, and when I walked into the bathroom, A Match Into Water, by Pierce The Veil was playing I grabbed my phone and took one last glance in the mirror. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my straight black hair into my face. I rushed back downstairs and started to eat cereal. All of a sudden my phone vibrated, I picked it up and unlocked it. A message from Claire. I read it to myself, "heyy, I'm outside... was wondering if you want to go to the party together? If you don't then thats totally cool... just message me when you get this." Wow that was weird, she seems kinda nervous...but then again I can't really tell over a text so I ate quickly and rushed outside. I saw her sitting on the curb watching Liu mow thier yard, shirtless. I walked to her, "hey, Claire." She turned around and stood up. "Hi. I missed you." She replied then hugged me, she put her head on my shoulder and didn't move for like a whole minute. When I finally peeled her off, I said, "Claire you do realize that it's only been like a day..." She smiled and turned around, "look at Liu, he's sooo hot." "Yeah...right." I sighed rolled my eyes and sighed, I still haven't figured out that feeling I got the first day I saw Jeff. "So do you need to talk or something?" I asked quietly. "Well I just wanted to go to the party together. Which starts in ten minutes." She said looking down at her phone. Claire was medium height with wavy blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She was wearing a pink mini skirt, pink flats, and a pink tanktop. I despised that color. Claire grabbed my arm and we walked to Jeff's house, arms linked. When we got there, Claire knocked on the door softly then we waited for a minute no one came she knocked softly again- nobody came. I pulled my fist back and started banging on the door. It finally opened, and when it did, I was face to face with Jeff. He smirked, "I knew you would come." I rolled my eyes. "Guess again loser, I'm only here cause I have to be." I pushed him aside and walked into his house I stopped and looked around. "Party's out back," he commented. I grabbed Claire's hand and made my way to the backdoor. I took a deep breath and swung it open. Everyone turned and stared at me, then I realized why. Mine and Claire's hands were intertwined, I blushed and yanked my hand away then everyone turned back to what they were doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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