Creepy Only Gets Creepier

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It's been 3 days since the new family moved in across the street and... Jeff, (I learned his name from the gossip at school) Got in a fight with Alex Lundy, and his two best friends Brandon, and Jordan yesterday.I watched the whole thing from my bed room window. They came and started messing with Jeff and Liu (Jeffs older brother) He punched Alex in the nose, and gossip around school is that he broke it. He cut Brandon with a kitchen knife that he randomly pulled out of his pocket. And then he stabbed Jordan in the thigh with it. He held the knife level to his eyes, staring at it with a demented look. A look that said he liked what he saw, and in some crazy deranged way a part of me liked it too- but I didn't know it then, it was buried so deep under all of my other feelings. Fear, love, hate, but I could not sort all of these feelings out. It was true that right then I felt something for Jeff, but it was defiantly not love. Or was it? No Jeff is a psycho. I shook the thought from my head, and took a shower. I cant stop thinking about that weird feeling I got yesterday watching the blood drip from the knife in Jeffs hand. I watched the way his green eyes stared in fascination. His brother went inside when Alex and Brandon tried to support Jordan until they got to a big house which I assumed to be one of theirs. Once Liu was inside the house Jeff started tracing a line from the corners of his mouth up to the top of his cheek bone, just tracing a fake smile. He is beyond weird. They are throwing him a 13th birthday party on Saturday. But it's only Monday so I don't have to make my excuse yet. My mom wants me to go, she says I need to make more friends, since my only friend is Claire Bailey. A blonde haired blue eyed girl that is medium height and so much prettier than me.

She is popular, but no one even knows who I am. I'm not going over to that psyco's house. I hop in the shower, and take my time letting the warm water splash on me like a water fall. I close my eyes and tilt my head back to wash my hair. But when I open my eyes its not water that I'm letting fall all over my body it's blood."Ahhhh!!!" I scream as I slip and fall, I squeeze my eyes shut and then open them again, and I'm showering- in water, real water, clear water. My heart starts pounding and I shut the water off and get out I wrap a towel around my body and walk into my bedroom. I guess I forgot to close the curtains, because when I dropped my towel and started to put on a tanktop, I noticed Jeff smiling seductively at me through my window. I freaked out and yanked the curtains closed. He was in his room playing with his knife. I got dressed and slipped into bed as I let sleep overtake me.

What is wrong with me?

I woke up in dark room I was confused because I couldn't see anything around me. I wander around and feel the walls for a light switch, when I find it I flick it on. I'm in a white room, with red stains on the wall. Blood I assume "Where am I?" I ask myself out loud. "Go to sleeeeeep.......Go to sleeeeep!" I heard an unfamiliar voice hiss. "Jane go to sleep... just go to sleep..." There is that voice again. "Please just leave me alone," I couldn't even understand my own voice because it was muffled by my sobbing. My vision was being blurred by my tears, a dark shadowy figure towered over my shaking body. The figure put the blade of a big kitchen knife to my neck and teasingly slid the knife along my neck, but not hard enough to penetrate my pale skin. "P-p-please-please don't do this. Please." I managed to choke out. "But Jane I'm just going to make you beautifuuuuuul..." His broken voice stretched the word beautiful, and made it seem ugly.

It felt like someone was watching me so my eyes popped open quickly. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room for anything different. I scanned the walls, and the bed I was now sitting up in. Nothing. I stood up and checked my bathroom. Just the way I left it. I let out a sigh of relief, but as soon as I turned around I noticed it... A big kitchen knife. The big kitchen knife that Jeff always had. And there was something attached to it. A sticky note. I walked over to it and just stood there staring at it for a while, before I actually bent over and picked up the knife.When I had the knife and the sticky, I ripped it off and read it,

Go to sleep Jane...

I'll be watching you carefully

- Your friend

Who's handwriting is that? Maybe this is just a mean prank. Wait, why does it matter who's handwriting it is, it's Jeff's knife... Jeff that stupid creep. Wait, was he in my room? I was kind of freaking out at the thought of this. I wonder if hes still in my house. Only one way to find out. I gripped the knife tighter and pointed it in front of me as I put the sticky note on my nightstand right next to my phone and alarm clock. I took a deep breath and walked to my bedroom door, hesitantly grabbing the knob and twisting. I tip-toe out of the room still clutching the knife in front of me. But all of a sudden I pause, is that blood on my hands? I dropped the knife and surveyed my hands. No I was just holding the knife so tight my hands turned dark red. I let out another sigh of relief. I slowly and quietly grabbed the knife off of the floor and shakily held it in front of me again. I took a few more steps and I was at the top of the long staircase, as I took my first step I heard the water in the upstairs bathroom that was not connected to a room turn on. I gasped, and then clamped a hand over my mouth. My legs went numb and wouldn't carry me to the bathroom. I couldn't control them, and the next thing I knew I was hiding in my closet reading and rereading the sticky note. Suddenly my door creaks open, and tears stream down my face. So many that I actually started choking on them, when I realize how loud I'm being its too late to shut up. My closet door is opening, I squeeze my eyes closed, but instead of being greeted by Jeff's psychotic voice, I hear my fathers soft caring voice. "Jane honey, what exactly are you doing in the closet?" He asked with a sleepy smile. "And why are you crying? Actually never mind, come here." He said extending a hand to me. I grabbed his hand and stood up, I let go of his hand and walked to my bed. Only then did I realize that I still had Jeff's knife in my hand. Before my dad noticed I shoved it under my pillow. I laid on my bed as my father whispered "Go to sleep" In my ear and walked out of my room.

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