1. who needs prologues?

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  "Gods below why must it be so fucking bright?" I curse as I stumble from bed, bending over backwards until a disconcerting series of cracks echo from my back and slink to my dresser. It is only once i have rubbed the sleep from my eyes and grabbed my favourate shirt with the broken record and black skinny jeans that i noticed the date on the calander hanging from the wall nearby. October 31st huh? well perhaps I can suffer through the days habit of searing my retinas to a crisp just this once eh?

   I snort as I slip into the bathroom adjacent to my own room, putting in my customary red contacts and slipping my shades on over them. Gods be damned for allowing the craft of flouresent lights. it just brings the discomfort of sunlight into your home. What a pain in the neck. 

  you sigh,  mentally cursing the Morrigan for not slaying Brighid and her thrice be damned light when she had a chance. celtic mythology aside you spare yourself to brushing your short bangs and putting your hair up in the back, once you've done this, you head to the small kitchen area of your apartment. Your parents had kicked you out when you where 15 for comming out to them, your da wasn't all that bad off about it and lent you some money behind your cow of a mothers back. she had found out and nearly shat kine. what a sight that must have made! regrettfully however you did not have the chance to see said kine shitting and thus were quite ornery when she sent your dear ol' pa to retract his gift.

  Long story short you got a shitty apartment in wich you still reside. You slip on your shoes and grab a stale biscut for breakfeast on your way our the door, walking to school rather than waiting for geix to pick you up. 

  You met Geix at the university a while back, thank the gods because the damn place is splitting at the seams with those god-awefull preps. they make you sick. You had met Geix at a place, seperated from the school by nothing but suporstition and fear. Said place is an abandoned library on the edge of campus, said to be haunted. wich, if you ask me, its revolting how many of these swine-brained pricks beleive it. Anyway, both you and Geix had stumbled across the rumors deciding to take a peak and ditch, not yet knowing eachother mind you. and began talking inside. 

  The old library is now the favorate place of the pair of you, not to mention its always welcome when Geix's gal, Evangeline visits. She's a dear, pretty and kind. not to mention she distracts Geix so that you can arrange for a bit of insanity in life, namely shenannigans involving pranks.

  You chuckle darkly as you reminesse on your pranks of this year alone and find yourself slipping through  the doors of the 'Academy of Doom' as you have dubbed it.


  "Fuck you all and your psuedo Christian bullshit!" you call over your shoulder as you walk out of class, wandering the halls idly until you find yourself standing outside the abandoned library. You slip inside and immediately set to work pulling out paints from your bagpack to start on the props for tonight.

 Once you have everything set out on an empty shelf you squeeze yourself in next to them, fitting easily with your short torso and extra bones lending a hand, and begin to paint details on some zomie hand's exposed and rotting muscle tissue (yummy) You paint the purpled and blackened areas quickly then go back in with the details of shadows and highlights on the ridges and cleaning up the edges. This is about the time that Geix enters the library. 

  The two of you toss around some idle banter before Evangeline steps in to say hello. You take the hint after a while (Hush you totally didn't have to be told to leave) and stepped out of the room for them to talk in private.


It's late Halloween night, You and Geix had some fun but decided not to give too many kids heart attacks. After you left her house you had gone to a bar you frequent about a mile away from your apartment complex and won $150.00 and a slug to the cheek hustling pool. You decided to call it a night and apply some ice to your throbbing cheek.

  You pass an allyway and stop, backtracking to see what the fuck that red glow was illuminating down there. You creep down the ally with caution (I mean seriously it's a fucking ally at night. are /YOU/ going to casually stoll down it? I think the fuck not.) and find that the glow is acctually a red glowstick and the shine you noticed is infact a handfull of gold coins. Neadless to say, you bend over to pick them up. As you do so however, the glowsticks luminesence dies and you grunt , falling unconcious as you are smothered by something that faintly shows red in the dim light of the ally.


  You wake on your bed. It's still dark but it's more of a pre-dawn dark than a middle-of-the-fucking-night dark. You sit up and rub your eyes, figuring last night was a dream. When you open them it's sitting in your desk chair, mouth open in a face splitting grin if you could call it that. The things "mouth" dripped with a vile looking slime that slipped down it's face and onto your carpet. "You better hope that shit doesn't stain." You barely register that you've said it until you hear it chuckle. It was fucking laughing at you. 

  "I think I like you. You will be my proxy then." It's voice is raspy and dark, tinted with a slight insanity you can't even begin to fathom the depth of.

The Proxy story [cherry pie strider version]Where stories live. Discover now