It Just Takes Practice.

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It's October 25, a Monday. Ew. I hate Mondays. They're terrible. You have pretty much nothing to look forward to.

I get to school and across the lunchroom, I see Jacob talking to his friends. I smile a little, until Jocelyn and Kaitlyn come up to me.

"Isn't that Jacob?"



They start giggling. Oh shit. They better not think I like him. I bet he's a total fuckboy, like everyone else around.

Ever since today is art and I have a band lesson, I decide to go during art. My teacher signs me out and I hear someone say "wait."

I turn around and it's Jacob.


"I'm coming with you."

I smirk. "Okay."

I wait for him and we race down to the band room. We set our bags down and go to the back, where all of the percussion instruments

I look around and I see a piano. I smile. While
My band teacher steps out of the room, i go over and sit down. I put my fingers on the keys. I start playing a song I made.

I guess I was really in the zone, because I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around. It's Jacob.

"I'm serious. How can you do this?"

I smile. "It takes practice. That's all."

He smiles. Damn. He puts a smile on me every time.

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