Facetime Calls

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It's now Christmas break. Finally. I'm kinda tired of school and I want to hang out with my friends for the next 2 weeks.

It's Saturday morning. 8:05 am. I wake up and check my phone. While I'm checking my phone I get a FaceTime call from flora. I answer and she talks about what she normally talks about; boys, basketball, her phone being retarded, etc.

after about 30 minutes of it, we hang up and I get another FaceTime call, except this time ya from Jocelyn. I answer if. She never facetimes anyone.



"Why did you call me?"

"I need your opinion on my story I'm doing in Wattpad."

Of course. Wattpad. She loves that app. She asks me about what the cover of her story should be like. She gives me the options and I help her choose. After that, she hangs up.

I'm about to plug my headphones in to listen to music, and I get ANOTHER FaceTime call. Who can it be this time?! I check, and it's Jacob.I smile and answer.

"Hey." "Hey. I need your help."

Why does everyone need my help today? I nod and I wait for him to respond.

"I don't know what to get my girlfriend for Christmas because I don't know what girls like and I thought you can maybe help me."

"Well, what does she like?"

"Me." He says as he tries to hold back a laugh.

I smile. "Seriously though, what does she like BESIDES you?"

"Well, I don't even know anymore, she's been changing a lot lately."

"Like, how?"

"I don't know, she's been very depressed lately for no reason and I think she's going goth. She listens to this terrible desires sing music and plays the ouiji board often."

I make an awkward face. "Oh, well maybe just get her an iTunes gift card then."

"Ok thanks." He says while smiling.

"No problem."

We hang up. I feel bad for Jacob. Not to be rude but, a depressing girlfriend? It doesn't seem very nice.

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