This Secret...

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It's now the weekend. The first week of school was okay. I liked last year a lot better though. I've tried to text Jacob, but he won't answer. It's sad. We used to talk all the time, and now we don't talk at all.

I suddenly hear my phone go off and I notice I get a text from Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: hey

Me: hi

Jocelyn: do you want to hang out today

Me: sure

Jocelyn picks me up and we go to the mall. I need to get some things off of my chest. I think I need to tell her my secret.

I've been keeping this secret for over a year. The thing is, that this secret is hard for me to tell anyone. I think it's hard for me because I've looked at a Jacob as a friend until I realized I love him. The problem is that I still do love him, and I can't stop loving him. I've always loved everything about him. Even what I didn't understand.

We get our food at Panera and I guess Jocelyn sees the look on my face.

"What's wrong?"

I look at her right in the eye.

"There's been something that I've been needing to get off of my chest for a long time."

"How long?"

"Over a year."

She looks at me in shock.

"That's for like, fucking ever! What is it?"

I take a deep breath.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone until I tell you to?"

She nods and I proceed.

"Okay. Well, don't judge me or make fun of me, but, I used to like Jacob for around a week."

She smiles.

"That's it?"

I nod. I lied. I can't tell her the real truth.
She would make fun of me.

"That's not that big of a deal, not to sound mean or anything."

"Oh. I thought it was."

We both start laughing. That could've went worse, but could've went better.

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