Part 5

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That Friday morning I drove back to my house. After napping for a while I showered and got dressed in my usual casual clothes and headed into town. I parked my car and walked into a liquor store where I bought a fifth of rum. Keeping it in it's bag, I unscrewed the lid and gulped some down as I began to walk aimlessly along the sidewalk. As I quietly moved through groups of people I could over-hear most of them jabbering on about the body found a couple of days earlier. I let out a low sigh as I remembered that I needed to lay low. I had gotten too confident and in turn, careless. And now I can't have any fun. I must admit I'm slightly worried that there may be something still on him... or... IN him that could lead the police to investigate me. Or if they find the other bodies... then the entire city will be in a panicked frenzy with talk of a 'serial killer' on the loose.

I gripped the neck of the rum bottle harder through the bag. This is only making me more angry. More anxious to let out this frustration. I walked until there were only a few sips left in my bottle. Staggering a little and deep in thought I bumped into something. "WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING!!" Mike yelled as he angrily eyed the person who ran into him. He only got more angry when he realized who it was. "Hello, love~" I grinned. I glanced at the building Mike was leaving as I ran into him. Ah.. a bar. Upon looking at him again I could tell he is as drunk if not MORE than I am. Without saying another word he sharply turned himself and began to walk away. I followed and quickened my pace a little to catch up to him.

"Vincent, leave me the fuck alone. I'm not in the mood for this shit." Mike snapped. "Awe, what's wrong, Mikey? Having a bad night?" I sneered. Mike suddenly stopped and spun around to grab me by my shirt collar, his teeth clenched. "I've been watching the security videos over and over again... From that night she... she died" he started. Oh, this is about that stupid bitch. "And I swear on everything I hear her say 'Thanks, Vinny' before she walks into the restaurant. 'Thanks, VINNY'. Now WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE SAY THAT?!" Mike screamed at me. I halfway closed my eyes, amused and annoyed at the same time. "First off.. get your fucking hands off of me!" I snapped, knocking his hand away. "I don't know, maybe the stupid cunt was fucked up" I growled. He knows... he obviously still has some doubts or this conversation wouldn't be happening right now. But...

"I thought it was my fault... But, you were there, weren't you?" he stared intently at me. "Did you tell her to go inside? Or did you just open the door? I know it was you... I FUCKING KNOW IT!" Mike was squeezing his hands into fists. A devious smile working it's way onto my face "What's wrong? Can't take the guilt of knowing you killed the stupid bitch~?" I growled mockingly. Mike shoved me into an alley and lunged at me, both of us falling to the ground. He landed on top of me and sat up. The streets were deserted at this point with the exception of the occasional shit-faced moron stumbling their way back home. "FUCK YOU!" Mike screamed as he punched me in the face. I growled and caught his hand before he could land another blow, using my other hand to firmly grab his neck. We struggled but I was able to roll, swapping our positions. Still grasping his other hand I released his neck and punched him, busting open his eyebrow. I felt the warm liquid run down my chin from my lip that was a result from Mike's punch.

I started laughing maniacally "You know what was better than fucking her?! HEARING HER LAST SCREAM!". This sent Mike into a rage. "YOU EVIL PIECE OF SHIT!" He screamed as he pulled his hand out of my grip and punched me again. I gripped the top of his head and slammed it to the ground. We fought for a while, exchanging punches. We are both pretty equal in strength so going head-to-head like this will result in a draw or we'll end up killing each other. Winded, we separated. Me leaning against one side of the alley while Mike did the same on the opposite side, slowly sliding down into a seated position. We stayed that way, glaring at each other and panting.

Finally, Mike spoke. "You admitted you heard her last scream... So, is she the only one or are there more?". Hearing what he said made me hold my breath for a second. Being so frustrated and angry and getting caught up in the moment I had said something I shouldn't have. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I grinned, ignoring his question "I was never there~" I said. "I know I can't go to the police, you aren't seen on the videos. But I don't want to go to the police, anyway" Mike growled. I slightly quirked an eyebrow. He didn't want to go to the police? I watched as he stood up, covered in blood as I was, too. He walked towards the sidewalk and stopped for a second, slightly turning his head to the side "I'm going to fucking kill you, Vincent". He then walked away. Did... did he really just threaten me? ME? I growled and slammed my bloody fist against the wall I'd been leaned against.

I need to. I have to. I haven't made a visit to him in a while. The pimp I knew who on occasion would let me pay him and in turn if I killed one of his girls, he would dispose of the body for me. It costs too much. Sluts lives aren't worth the price he charges. But there is nothing for me to clean up. I think he feeds them to his dogs or something. I don't really care. I just know if I don't get this out of my system I'm going to fuck up worse than I already have. I stormed into the nasty, run-down house and yelled "WHERE IS HE?!" all of the girls looked terrified. Upon seeing him I shoved a total of $7,000 at him and grabbed a girl by the hair, she screamed. "This one" I growled. "Dude, that's one of my good ones". I glared at him. "Ok, fine... just... don't make such a mess this time. I agreed to the disposal, not the clean-up". The women looked scared and confused. Of course they didn't know what we were talking about. And this little bitch had no idea what fantastic night lay ahead of her.

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