First Day Of School

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We finally made it to school. I raised quite a few eyebrows when I pulled up becasue I was the new kid and everyone was already two weeks into  the school year.

I convinced Sehun to walk me to the office. After that he left for his first class, but not without saying, "Thanks for the ride, noona!" Which caused me to blush like a moron.

I got my class schedule and headed to my first class which was AP Chemistry. I knocked softly on the door and the teacher, Mr. jung, a man in his mid 50's, opened the door and told me to come in. After introducing myself he told me to go and sit next to the sleeping boy in the back of the room and also to wake him up.

I walked to my spot and tried to pull my stool out as loudly as possible to hopefully wake the boy up. It didn't work so once I sat down, I tapped him on the shoulder. That still didn't look work so I looked around and when no one was looking I punched him. (Hey! Don't judge! That boy sleeps like the dead.) He shot up so fast that I nearly peed my pants. I whispered to him that the teacher told me to wake him up. He said 'thanks' and I was surprised that he didn't seem mad that I punched him.

After class, the previously sleeping boy stood up and gave me a dazzling smile. I thought to myself 'Are all Korean boys cute?'

"My name is Jongin," he said startling me out of my thoughts. "I didn't catch your name earlier." he said sheepishly.

"Its Min-seo and nice to meet you!" I gave him one of my winning smiles. "Could you tell me where Chinese 5 is ?" I asked.

"Well, lucky for you thats my next class so I can walk you there."


We walked into the class and I was greeted in Chinese by the the teacher. I answered fluently. The truth is that I didn't need to take this class because my Chinese is already beyond this level, but I wanted an easy class.

I got to sit by another cute boy named Minseok. He seriously looks like a little boy, but I found out that he is actually older than me.

"We are working in groups to interview Chinese exchange students. We still have a spot open in our group if you want to join." Minseok told me. I told him that I would love to join his group.

In our group there was another boy named Jongdae and a girl named Amber. They were both super nice and loved to joke. I found out that Amber was from the States too.

The exchange students we were in charge of interviewing was named Kris. We later found out that he was actually from Canada, but spoke Chinese.

Next was lunch and I was nervous as heck because 1. I had no clue where I was going to sit and 2. I had no clue what the heck I was going to eat.

Problem one was solved when I heard a familiar voice shout, "Noona!" I looked over and saw Sehun sitting with Jongin and Minseok and a bunch of other boys.

I smiled brightly and then walked over to the table and sat down. I could feel daggers in the back of my head. Sooooo I wasn't the only one who thought these guys were cute.

I was sitting between Jongin and Sehun when I heard a distant conversation in Chinese start up. I listened as Sehun introduced all of the guys. There was a lot of them. There was Chanyeol, who was super loud and Baekhyun, who was equally as loud, then he introduced Jongdae and Minseok, whom I already knew. Next was the President of the Student Council,  Junmyeon and his Vice Prisident, Kyungsoo. Last he introduced me to the four Chinese exchange students. Luhan was very flirtatious, Yixing was very sweet and Yifan who goes by the name of Kris, was a fashionista. Last was Tao, who seemed intimidating at first, but really had the mentality of a five year old girl.

It was was about at that time that I heard Luhan say, "I bet she's a good kisser." in Chinese. Being the smart-ass I am I just simply couldn't resist.

"You wanna find out, pretty boy?" I asked in fluent Chinese. His face turned into a tomato and Jongin, Jongdae, and the Chinese students (besides Luhan) bursted out laughing.

Jongin put an arm around me and said I was gonna fit right in.

So in other words my first day of school turned out to be one of the best days of my life,

I hope you all enjoy this chapter:) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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