imagine dancing in the bunker while you clean

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Thats the song you dance to while you clean!
H/L= hair length
H/C= hair color

You had been living with the winchesters for a while it was awesome why because the bunker was full of surprises and cool old stuff but the boys never sweeped or mopped in that bunker and boy did it need it so while they where away and they wouldnt be home till probaly the next day so you decided to do it yourself. You got the stuff you needed then tied your H/L H/c hair into a _any hairstyle_ and prepared for your day of labor but of course you couldnt do it with out music so you got your speaker the boys got you for your birthday and hooked it up to you phone and put your songs on shuffle. You began sweeping but couldnt resist the urge to dance along to the song so you began to dance along with the song you danced like nobody was watching and nobody was! Till you heard someone clear thier throat which made you pause your song and freeze in your current dance postion which happend to be a weird one " ummm Y/N what are you doing?" Sam askes on the verge of bursting out laughing " what does it look like sam! Im cleaning and dancing!" you say also about to bust out laughing "Nice moves Y/N" dean said after he said that something came to your mind "join me guys dont let me dance by myself!" you asked trying your best puppy face you knew they couldnt say no to you so they dropped thier bags and which made you jump up and down excitedly and play the song again and you all danced silly and laughed a lot till the song was over and continued to laugh.

I hope you like it! And also the song! The name of the song is help our souls by Nihilis (urabn remix) i really like this song its a happy song it fit into this

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