Isabel's story

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Crystals pov-
"That was so gross.." I said rubbing the throw up off my mouth.
"If you could learn to just hide it, you Wouldn't have to do this."
I went to look in the mirror and pushed my hair out of my face then I turned on the sink. I washed my hands and face, doing this everyday, it made my face pale and I looked sick.
"Do they ever take you off these?" I asked.
"Three days before release."
"Oh.." I said. I then followed her to the roof where we always go, and we sat just admiring the beauty of the sky and the city.
"I have two brothers." She said and I looked over to her.
"Jevon and King."
"I just noticed you've never talked about yourself much."
"I know, I don't know if I'm ready." She said looking over the sun.
"It's fine I get it." I played with my white hospital gown just sitting there.
"I guess you'll never know if you're ready till your ready," she turning and facing me,
"You ready?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

---Isabel's point of view

"King, Jevon, Isabel!" Mother called us all downstairs to eat. She had made white rice, cabbage, macaroni and baked chicken tonight.
"God is great, God is good, thank you for our food, in Jesus name, amen." Was the short version of our grace they taught me since I was only 10.
"So how was school today?" Mom asked.
"We learned how to graph slope intercept form in pre-algebra." Jevon said.
"Nerd." King said under his breathe. Mother then gave him a look and father just stared. He rarely said Anything, when we would go out on father daughter activities he'd talk more but not at home.
"What about you child?" She looked at me.
"I learned how to multiply things better..."
"I learned that in like 3rd grade." Jevon smartly remarked. I sunk in my chair just listening to the clanking of our forks. Soon everyone was done and had stood up.
"That was so good mom." Said Jevon. I stood up with them,
"Nope nope. You will sit here till you finish that food!" Mom yelled. I sat back down. Slowly eating. Everyone went into the kitchen and mom was cleaning up. After that she had went to bed but I was still here. I wasn't hungry at all, what was I gonna do with this food? Dad then crept in quietly. He grabbed my plate and emptied it into the garbage. I gave him a hug and then tippy toed to my bedroom hoping not to wake anyone. I shared a room with my brother Jevon since King was the oldest he got his own. I turned the TV off and climbed into my bed on the top bunk. I just laid there listening to the rain on my window sill, it was all so peaceful until it started to thunder. I trembled into a ball underneath my wool covers. I then climbed out of bed and woke up my brother.
"Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?" I asked quietly. He nodded and pulled his cover over allowing me to get under.
----next morning

"Isabel wake up." Jevon tapped on me. I awoke with the sun smiling in my face, almost blinding me. Jevon left the room to the bathroom so I started to get dressed. I put a green skirt, a white shirt and my sparkly white flats.
"Oh I forgot to close the door!" I pulled my shirt down and shut it before King could see anything else. After I finished I headed downstairs to grab an apple to eat before I left.
"Ding dong." I quickly ran to the door.
"Hi Bree."
"Cmon it's time to go!" She said running to the care. I waved by to family and walked over to the car door. I sat in the backseat next to Bree.

"How was your weekend Mrs.Perez?" I asked.
"Bien." She said smiling with her sunglasses on.
"Mama, nosotras leemos el libro de Don Quijote ayer." Her mother nodded in reply.
"What did you say?"
"I said we read Don Quijote, he favorite book yesterday."
"Oh okay. " we pulled up in front of the elementary school and her mom let us out.
"Bye mom." Bree said.
"Bye Mrs.Perez" she waved back. Me and Bree went to sit on the swings in the playground. It was a nice beautiful sunny day, the sky was a clear baby blue, and there was a steady breeze. 
"Um excuse me. " I looked up and saw a girl with pale white skin and long blonde hair standing over me.
"What." I said.
"Your in my spot." She said angrily. Behind her was a group of girls and four boys. I looked around checking out the swing.
"It doesn't say your name, whatever it is." I said replying.
"Leave her alone Sabrina." Breeahna said.
"Fine." She walked behind me, "you wanna swing? Let's swing!" She pulled me back very far, I held onto the chains with all my life. She then aggressively pushed me and let go of the swings at the same time. I feel out and the swing had hit me in my back, Sabrina then sat on the swing and laughed. Breeahna ran over to the teacher, but I was so mad. I just got up and grabbed her by her nose and pulled it so hard knocking her over.
"Isabel!" The teacher called, oh boy she came at the wrong Time,
"Go to the office." I started walking away and Breeahna accompanied me on the way.
"I should have got her earlier I'm sorry." She said.
"It's alright at least you tried."
-----hours later
Dad hadn't said a word ever since I step foot into this car. I knew I was going home on a bad note but could he atleast lecture me? Something to fill the uncomfortable silence. Something to think about while sitting in this car. But when we pulled close to our house he seemed to drive past it. I looked at him and he looked at me threw his mirror. But he kept going, I looked for familiar signs and roads but nothing was in sight.
We then pulled up to a woodland area. He drove up a steep entrance until there was a sign blocking the rest of the way. He stopped the car ejected the keys and opened the door. He looked at the surroundings taking a breathe of air like it was new. He started walking up the hill. I got out the car following him. He went until he saw a tree with three holes in it. He went to the base and he pulled out a rock. It looked plain but some of it was tainted with an emerald color.
"Franklin Thomas, blonde hair about ten years old at the time. He.. " dad stopped. He breathed more air in and continued again,
"He bullied me everyday. I'd come here because this was my happy place, this is were I felt I belong. In the quiet, saturated in the silence. He followed me here and.. He pushed me and so I hit him right upside his head with this very rock. I understand when someone who thinks they can empower you treats you bad and when you react things go south. I've been in your place Isabel, I don't want that to happen to you. I can't even come here anymore. I don't hear the silence the air is filled with his voice. This rock is stained with his face. It still haunts me. You don't want to be the bad guy Isabel. But you don't want to let someone push you around. Your mother might look down upon you for this but just know that I've been in that situation." He said. This was the most he had said in years. I didn't say a word back I just nodded my head. He threw the rock far away from here, so far it seemed to fall apart as it flew. We could hear the silence again, franklins voice had faded.
Dad drove me home. He walked in first and I was right behind him. Mom was sitting in her red living room chair with her legs folded and her hair in rollers . She put down her book and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.
"What took so long?" She said to my father.
"Traffic." He went into the kitchen as he did not want to hear what was next. Mom then stood up,
"How dare you embarrass me in front of all those white folk? We already black, they all ready got a reason to hate us. Now you jus proving them right!" She yelled. I didn't say nothing back, "Don't stare at me like I got two heads. Say something."
"She hit me fi.." I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Do you know how hard we worked to be here?!" She slapped me, "go to bed!"
"I should whoop your ass!" She said while I walked away. I went to my room and laid down then cried. My tears ran down my face like streams. I then felt someone tap my back and I turned around quick.

"It's just me." Breeahna said.
"How did you get here?" I asked.
"Your window." I turned and saw it open.
"You okay?" She asked. I nodded in reply. I went over to lock my door so that no one would notice she was here.
"I'm suspended for tomorrow." I said.
"That really sucks. I'll come over tomorrow to then."
"Let's play with dolls."
"I call this one!" Breeahna said pointing to the Barbie with red hair. I picked up the boy Barbie and the daughter.
"Honey I'm home!" I said in a manly voice.
"Hi sweety." Breeahna said lifting the pitch of her voice. We made the Barbie dolls kiss and made the daughter go in the house. It was so much fun just being able to sit there and forget about today just playing. Then we began playing truth or dare.
"Truth or dare?" I asked.
"Dare." Said Bree.
"I dare you too.." I began thinking of what to say,
"I dare you too lick your foot." She was crazy so of course she took off her shoe then her sock and actually licked it. Then she put her stuff back on and said,
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth." I said back.
"Is it true that you've never kissed anyone?" She said.
"Yeah.." My response made everything so awkward.
"Oh, my first kiss was Greg."
"Ew he's so ugly."
"Shut up!" She replied. We starts laughing, I couldn't believe she kissed Greg!
"How do they feel?" I asked.
"Slobbery.. I bet girls kiss neater then boys." She said.
"Maybe.." I looked at her. I got closer and went to kiss her. Right when I got to her face she ran away from me.
"Ew Isabel!" She went out of my window and began chanting, "so disgusting."
I looked down. What did I just do.
------hours later.
I went to take a bath and I had looked at myself in the mirror,
"Why does everyone hate me?" I said to myself. I took off my clothes and got into the bubble less water. I Laid back releasing all the tension in my muscles, just slipping away into the water. And then I closed my eyes, the last time I'd ever have them open.

I woke up in the hospital. IV in my arm, machines making noises, nurses hovering me.
"Where's my mom?" I asked.
"She's not coming ." They said.
Crystals pov-
"I never spoke of her after. I had two escape attempts. My family never came to see me, they believe I don't belong out there." Isabel said. I couldn't even begin to fathom a response.

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