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"Ashley I have missed you." I hugged her.
"You're finally talking to me!" She smiled.
"Do you care about me ?" I asked.
"Yes I love you."
"Why do you still hang with Nathan ... I know you've heard he's broken my heart."
"Well just because you don't like someone doesn't mean I had to stop being friends with them..."
I couldn't believe her cause I would have done better for her, but I managed to  put on a smile because homecoming was tonight. Everyday I had to sit next to Nathan and bare an unimaginable silence. It didn't even hurt sitting next to him, it felt more like a stiff frame like we were stuck in a picture. Xandra would still pass notes to me to Nathan. But I gave them to him without glimpsing. I hated him to be honest so it wasn't in my best interest. A long day went by and I was home once again. I put on a tight olive green dress that had straps and really pointed out my curves. I wore heels that had straps that crossed up to my shin. I left my hair curly and did a green and black smokey eye with a sharp eyeliner wing. I was all ready. I had my dad drop me off at Ashley's house and everyone was there, Katja Nathan Xandra, all of them. All the boys stared at me when walked in. You could see some of the marks on my legs but I didn't care. I felt so powerful and beautiful. Call me conceited but I'm really not, for the first time in the while I felt like I loved myself. Everyone had a date except me but that was ok with me.
"Crystal come take a picture of us."called Xandra. I went over and took a quick picture of her and Nathan and walked off waiting for our limo. It came 15 minutes later and we all got in.
"What's wrong crystal ?"asked Trevor, he sat next to me.
"Nothing." I said looking down.
"You look gorgeous."
"If you want to fuck me just say it."I said brutally.
"Well I meant what I said but I'd like that too." He said smirking. I leaned in to whisper but what I actually did was kiss his neck and put my hand on his thigh, to show myself that I was over Nathan. He just kept staring at me ignoring every word that came out of Xandra's mouth. She instantly frowned noticing this too. When we got to the dance, it was so much Fun. The students snuck in Apple ciroc in the soda. The guys had weed in the back of the school, I just had the mindset of getting fucked up. Trevor took my hand to dance with me but before we started he gave me a pill , I think it was MDMA and I took it anyways. I just wanted to get fucked up and not have to care for a while. I danced all up on Trevor like we were one soul with two bodies. He suddenly then kissed me and pushed me up against the wall. Oh how joyful and happy I was everything felt like fireworks. Then I remembered when j first met him and I stopped to look down and pushed him away. Nathan then intervened "Trevor fuck off." He said.
"No you fuck off!" I shouted grabbing Trevor's hand and going outside where no one was continuing our make out session. He then put his hand up my dress and squeezed my boobs. I wrapped my leg around him but then he stopped.
"What's the matter?" I said catching my breath.
"I really like you." He said.
"I like you too." I said resuming and kissing him.
"But you love Nathan." He said. I was lost for words and didn't say anything.
"You were willing to do this before why now all of the change."
"Cause this isn't you." He looked me up and down walking back into the gym. My high was at an all time low. I became so paranoid and could hear whispers everywhere.
"Your sister left." Said Xandra.
"Oh hey." I smiled. She came in close to me crying,
"Woah are you okay?" I asked but she suddenly punched me in the face. I fell on the ground and hit my head but nothing changed I was still here. For once I just wanted to not know when I was and it wasn't working. She kicked me and beat me so bad. I couldn't even move as my limbs felt so wavy. I got up as she walked away and. Started hitting her back. Our fight led into the dance and then we were in the middle of the floor everyone watching. I didn't know what to do so I just dug my nails into her skin and she started bleeding.
"Leave me the fuck alone." I said crying.
"Leave Nathan to me! I see he the way he looks at you."
"You can have him." I shouted. I walked up to her and grabbed her by her throat. Even though she was taller I was more assertive.
"I'm not going to let anyone treat me like shit anymore do you understand? I will kill you if I have to." I said grasping harder and causing nail marks.
"Go to hell bitch." She spat on me. I turned all my emotions off and jumped onto her pulling off my heel and almost stabbing her in the throat until someone pulled me off and cop sirens started going off. Everyone started grabbing the drugs and running far. I could barely breathe but someone kept telling me to keep going until they ultimately just picked me up and began running.

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