Chapter 10. Coffee Date

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Meg's POV

We head to get coffee and we sat in the corner!

I ordered a coffee latté and Caspar ordered the same and as we waited we started to get to know each other more...

"So how's it like being an artist?" Caspar asked?

"'s very fun to be an artists! I get to show my creativity!" I smiled

"How do you earn money?" Caspar asked

"Well to be honest, our family is like an owner of New York Magazine! Called 'New York Star' yeah! Sorry I didn't bring this up earlier! I just don't want to be know as someone famous I guess" I said

"Woah!" He said

"Sorry! I didn't tell you guys about that!" I said

"Nahh! It okay I guess!" He said

Caspar's POV

Wow, didn't see that coming!

Then our coffee arrived!

"Thank you!" She said

"So, what's your nationality?" I asked

"Well! I'm 70% British! And 15% Filipino and 15 % New Yorker" She said taking a sip of her coffee

"Wow! Filipino! We went to the Philippines last June I think!" I said

"How about you? What are your nationality?" She asked

"Well I'm 50% British and 50% South African I guess!" I smiled

"Nice!" She giggled

We had a few hours chatting and getting to know each other and it was 7pm! We walked home still chatting...

"So where did you live when you were in elementary?" I asked

"Well! I was quite near Zoe and Joe! And we studied in the same school! Except she was in higher grade level!" She smiled holding her take out coffee

"Are you close with your siblings?" I asked

"Very! Justine ask me for advice and Marione gives me advice! " She said

"Oh" I said

Megan's POV

I really was having fun with Caspar! Buuuuut! It was kind of boring! I like being with him but! It would be more fun we did something else than sit in a couch with coffee just talking about each other! I wanna have a little fun!

We're just one turn away from home and silence fell upon us until we reached home!

"So did you have fun?" He asked as he open the door

"Yeah! Talking with you was real fun!" I lied

"Hi!" I greeted everyone

"Hey!" They replied

"How's your date?" Joe asked

"It's not a date!" Caspar denied

Oh! So it was just a friendly coffee date! Wow! I actually thought he asked me out!

"Date?"I giggled as I play along

"Come we're watching a film!" Zoe invited

I lay in the bed and watched the film! Then as the movie ended we all headed to our rooms and head to sleep

*sorry for late publish -LilMsMischief❤*

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