Chapter 9. First Coffee Date!

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Megan's POV

As Zoe got out the door I immediately felt excited for later! even though it was 2 o'clock and we planned it at about 5 or something! I already planned my outfit!

Caspar's POV

I was really excited! But what Joe told me just made me panic more! But, I'm still gonna tell her!

"You stressed out Casp?" Alfie asked

"Yeah!" I said scratching my head

"Go for a nap! It'll help you! BIG TIME" Alfie said

"Okay!" I said heading to our room! I lay in the bed! tucked in! and looked up at the ceiling and thought of what could happen later

Will she reject me? Will she avoid me? Will she make fun of my feelings!

I daydreamed until I fell asleep!

Meg's POV

Okay! Wow! I can't find the perfect outfit! Noooo!

I kept on looking and looking for outfits as I checked the time it was 3:00! Sh*t!!!! I'm panicking af!

"What ever! I'll deal with this later!" I said

I grabbed my towel and head to my bathroom!

Zoe's POV

"So? Are they on a date or what?" I asked Joe

"I don't know! Caspar said she's going to tell her how he feels" Joe mimicked as he drank his coffee

"Woah! Caspar likes Meg?" I asked

Then Joe spitted out his coffee!

"Joseph! My floor! I just cleaned that!" I said

"I'll clean it!" He said grabbing the mop

"Wait! So Caspar likes Meg?" I asked

"Yeah! Sure! I f you put it that way!" He said cleaning the floor

"Ooohhhh!" I shrieked! They're in love!

"But don't tell both of them I told you!" He said

"Meg feels the same!" I whispered

"What?!" Joe asked! I was quote surprised he heard that

"Meg feels the same!" I whispered but quite louder

"Ohhh! This is so exciting!" Joe jumped for joy!

We went our ways and head off

Meg's POV

I got out the bathroom and its 4:00! I wore a black blouse, black blazer and ripped jeans! I put on my black heels and grabbed my black bag and put on some make up! I brushed my hair and went down the stairs! I saw Caspar in a greyish shirt turtle neck with some jeans and shoes! With his sparkling blue eyes and his blonde hair spiked up!

"Let's go!" I said

"Yup!" He said opening the door....

"Bye!! See you later!" Zoe said in her cute accent!

"Byeeiiii!!" I said

We had a cab and went to the mall!

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