No Words

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It bothers me that most people will never know how I truly feel about them. Not because I hide it from them, but because I don't know how to articulate everything that I feel into words. Maybe giving it words would ruin it. I can't imagine the dictionary being able to give meaning to my feelings, I guess because they are my own. The dictionary can describe love but it can't make you feel it, it can't possibly explain all the complexities that come with that four letter word. The dictionary can tell you what heartbreak is but it will never be able to convey the pain it causes. There aren't words for everything. If there were words for everything I would have written hundreds of letters by now. Sometimes there's just touch and silence and noise that can speak volumes. I've written books in one kiss, I've felt poems in a brush of skin against skin, I've heard songs in quiet breathing and all of it has been enough, but none of it can be assigned words.

No Longer The Moon: A collection of writings from the month of OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now