Chapter 1

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Senior Year

Another day at that horrible place. I hated school. Not because of the classes and stuff because one Jackass. His name is Zander Millington. Ever since 6th grade he started hating for some sort of reason that i don't even know of. One thing is that  had to deal with him all thru Middle School and High school.

Only Five more month's then i am out of here and starting my first year at Princeton University. 

I woke up and took a quick shower. When i got out i see that i have one text message from Aayden.  Aayden is my best guy friend. Me and him have been friends for 12 years. 


Hey i know you usually ditch monday's but you have got to school hurry!

I wasn't planning on ditching today for many reasons. Today is the day that Our Principal is leaving our school. Apparently he decided to quit and he also wanted all the seniors to be there.  I hated principal Johnson. He would always give me detention for fucking reason. So today me and a couple of my friends are going to pull a little prank on the man, 

I got dressed in my Black and white dress that is 3 inches above the knee and some white flats. I grabbed my bag and head downstairs and headed to the bus stop. One thing that i hate about waiting for the bus is that there are a bunch of freshman staring at you. I looked to right and i see Zander coming out of his house and coming to the bus stop.

Another thing is that the asshole lives next door to me. Which made my life even more worse. His window is across mine. His brother Justin and My Sister Lya started going out last year. They are both in college and they would tell me and him to get along. get along? haha they both make me laugh. I would never ever get along with a guy who made my life a living hell. 

When he came to the bus stop. He looked at me from head to toe.

"Take a picture it would last longer." I said.

He looked me.

"Nah i dont want my camera to brake from looking at you. It's bad enough my eyes are hurting from looking at you. and i dont want my camera to suffer." He laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." I said. 

I checked what time it was and it was only 7:30. The bus doesnt come until 8 A.M. great 30 minutes with this thing.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Aayden.

"Hello?" He said.

"Can you come pick me up?" I asked. 

"Sure i will be there in 3 minutes" He said.

"Thank you. See ya." I smiled and hanged up.

After 5 minutes Aayden pulled over to were i was and i told him he was 2 minutes late. He smirked. 

I got in his car and left the asshole there standing looking at nothing but his feet.

When we got to school i see that Everyone in our group was already there. I got out of the car and walked over to them.

"Whats the plan Brooklyn?" Kassandra asked.

Yes my name is Brooklyn Henderson. I had Brown wavy hair and brown eyes. I am 18 years old.

"Well the plan is that we throw water balloons at him and then we throw it at the jocks and preps. Ready?"I asked. Everyone nodded.  There are 23 people in our group. and there are 42 Jocks and Preps put together. I grabbed the balloons from the trunk and i put them back stage. thanks to Monica that we got in backstage. She is in the drama club. 

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