Chapter 6

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"So i say i think it's best we have the company party here in our building since there is no place that we can have it." Zander said.

"Okay who shall i call for all this preparations?" I asked him.

He looked away from me as he began pacing back and forth in his office.  Today we found out the the place we had booked for the company party had a leak in their roof and are recently repairing it,  I looked at Zander as he tried to figure out what to do.  Sometimes i wish this guy could make up his damn mind but i remembered in high school that he can never make up his mind, so i highly doubt that he could ever make up his mind.

"I go it!" 

"Okay tell me."

"There is this one place were they do the decorations and food, but one thing is it's across the city and i can't go all the way over there today, so i need you or someone else to go there for me and get the orders place." He said.

I know one person who can do it but i don't know if he was willing to do it,  I mean i just met the guy today and i think it would be weird if i told him what do already.

"How about the new guy?"I suggested.

"Okay bring him in here." He ordered.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked away.  Usually i just wanted to flip him off but knowing the fact that he is my boss and that he could fire me at any moment, i wouldn't.   I continued walking down the row of cubicles, Damn what's his name again?  Arden something with a Y. I finally saw the familiar name and walked towards it.

:Yea i will be home soon. Why?" I heard his voice.

I stood in place as i heard him talk over the phone, i know eavesdropping is bad butt i am kind of curious about the new guy so might as well listen in on him.

"FIne i will pick up Emilee after work, Jen you don't have to worry okay? Bye." He said and hanged up.

I took a deep breathe and continued walking towards his cubicle.  Each step i took i just kept asking myself questions,  Was he talking to his wife on the phone? Or was it just the babysitter? Maybe he's married. Yea maybe he his. 

"Hey Brooklyn, What are you doing back here?"Arden asked.

"Mr. Millington wants a word with you in his office, It's nothing bad tho just business." I tell him.

"Ï guess it's time to put my good idea's to work now."He says.

I nodded at him and watched him as he walked towards Zander's offices.  I shook off the feeling of having coffee with him later, i don't know if i should go with him now that i heard his conversation with some women name Jen.  I walked back to my cubicle and began working on making invitations to the company party,   Every year, We would have these parties and some times they are lame but i am hoping this year the new boss will make it even better. 

"Brooklyn, They need you in Mr. Millington's office." Annie says.

I gave her a quick nod and put the paper down on the desk hoping that i would be able to finish it by tonight or else i would be screwed.  Zander has been bugging me for a week about the invitations  and me on the other hand is stressed out but lucky i hope i can make then perfect, as they always say, perfection takes time and i don't have much time.

"You rang?" I asked as i walked into the office.

"Yea, We need you help on the theme for this lovely gathering." Zander says.

"Well considering the fact that it's almost winter and it's almost nearing christmas, i think we should make this a winter wonderland theme."I suggested.

"I like it, and i know just the one person who can help us with this big preparation ahead of us."

Me and Zander turned to look at Arden.

"Who do you recommend?" 

"My Ex-Wife Jen."

So he was married, Wow i feel stupid now, I looked down at the floor as the two men discussed more on the party.

"Brook? I need you to work thru your break and lunch to finish with the invites and calls. Is that okay with you?"Zander asked.

If that gets me out going out and getting coffee with Arden yes.

I nodded my head and got up from my seat and walked out the doors, walking towards my work station.  I can't wait till i go home tonight, all i wanna do i go home and sleep. 


Yea i know it's a short chapter but usually i am just so busy with other things and i don't have much time to write other than L.I.B.

All the stories that i have started this year, might be finished by december 28th or 29th. Next there will be new ones and more better ones,.


Love and always,


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