Whats Going On?

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Sirus returned to his motel room confused. He left the crime feeling more affected then usual. He blew it off and just figured that it was nothing.

(2 years earlier)

Sirus was at a bar with his friend Mike.
Mike said, "have you ever wanted to kill something...from being so mad at it of course." Sirus shifted uncomfortably "No not really, are you ok? Dude I swear there's something wrong with you." Mike jumped in immediately "No I'm not crazy" Mike jumped up from the table and stormed out of the bar.

Sirus didn't speak to Mike for a long time. Recently that past year they had spoke to each other again. Sirus of course apologized and told him he was drunk and it was the five tall beers talking. Sirus knew inside this wasn't true but he wanted to get his friend back.

Sirus added new pictures to his board or murder pictures. Like he did the night before he walked over to his bed, turned off his lamp and went to sleep.

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