Chapter 2: The Plan

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  Ken and Callie rushed into their fathers throne room and told him about what happened. "Seven shadow reapers Ken we can't beat that and you couldn't even beat one of them on your own your shadow reaper form isn't strong enough they have more experience than you." "I don't care if I die in the process I just need enough power to get Mia out." "Then we train your shadow reaper form." "Ken I'm going with you Mia is like a big sister to me and I want to get her back." "Callie you know that's not my choice." "Dad I'm going." "You're not strong enough to go there and survive Callie your not going." "But Dad Ken needs back up and he doesn't have Mia or Dave he needs me there." "Why doesn't he have Dave." "Do you think he's gonna show up he hates Mia." "Dad she has a point I'm fighting seven shadow reapers and Edge I need someone to back me up and you said yourself if Callie could fully control her power at her age she would be the strongest out of the three of us she needs to train more before we go but I think she's ready and don't worry I'll protect her with my life she is my little sister after all." "Fine she can go but you both need to train now get to it." Ken and Callie raced to the training room and begun instantly. Callie shooting shadow blasts at Ken. Ken dodged the blasts and trapped Callie in black chains forcing her to use most of her power to break them. Callie almost collapsed at the large power loss. Ken walked up to Callie and helped her to the main entrance where Edge was waiting "Hello Reaper of Shadows". Edge opened up a scroll and a red chain shot out Ken rolled out of the way but it still hit Callie then Ken cut the chain in half one going back into the scroll and the other into Callie's chest. "Zanos sends his regards Ken Mia is waiting." Then Edge disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Ken ran over to Callie's side as she laid there unconscious. Then a cloak like Ken's formed on Callie and then disappeared. Ken couldn't believe it Callie is a shadow reaper and now he knew for sure Zanos was alive and wanted Ken dead. Ken transferred his energy to Callie to heal her. When she came to she was being carried in Ken's arms into her room. Ken put her down on her bed. "Are you okay Call." "Yea I'm a little dizzy but I'll be fine." "So your like me now Callie your a shadow reaper." "Does that mean I'm really strong like you." "It means you can be you just need to get used to the power." "Does Dad know." "Yea I already told him but you need rest while him and I think of a plan to get Mia back." Ken walked out of Callie's room and into the war room where Yandrax was waiting with eight holograms. "What's with the holograms Dad." "This is the map of hell each hologram is for each layer of hell how many swarm members did you say there were." "Seven why?" "I bet that there will be one member of the swarm at the first seven stages there are eight one for each deadly sin and the last for the Devils throne." "Then I'll destroy everything in my way to get Mia back." "My son what is your plan." "That is my plan open the portal I'll get Callie." Ken walked up stairs and into Callie's room. "Hey Cal you ready to go." "Yea Ken." Callie walked up to Ken and they both went downstairs and through the portal after saying goodbye to their father and him wishing them luck. They entered hell at the first level the portal closed behind them as they stood in the middle of the valley of souls they were confronted by the first shadow reaper Dexus.

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