The night mermaid

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I was board. I was just sat there on the sofa with a half red magazine on my lap. I had been left by my self and was landed with absolutely nothing to do. But I like it that way. It gives me time to think. An I certainly can't think properly with my brother and sister around! My dad was at work and my mum was taking Dan to rugby practice and Daisy to choir practice. Dan and Daisy are my brother and sister. They both have talents. An their really good at them. I would be happy for them if they didn't brag and show off about it twenty - four seven. It drives me CRAZY!! But me however, am different. I don't have a normal public talent like other people. My. Talent is swimming. You might think that sound's normal. But it really isn't. You see, I'm a mermaid. I'm the night mermaid. The mermaid of the night...

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